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You had better believe we can

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:41 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Up for the challenge


Yes we can change the world if we have the will to try,
we can make each day a better day as well.
Just by smiling at a stranger and offering a helping hand
to the lonely one whose life just may be hell.

Yes we can make a difference and it doesn’t take that much,
just the willingness to up and have a go.
Do a little something extra for your neighbour up the street.
If a new friend sits there waiting - will you know?

If you did make a difference wouldn’t that make you feel great?
Wouldn’t you just hold your head a little higher?
And the cost to you? Just a small pittance of your time
but the end result's the spark that starts the fire.

Yes you can make a difference if you stand up to be counted
and speak out, take a stand amongst the throng.
Speak up for the persecuted, and the weak and elderly
for the abused child and animals, the wronged.

The small things make a difference, trees from little acorns grow,
and a single step the long long journey starts.
Good friendships often start with a simple word – G’day
and acceptance from an open trusting heart.

The child whose life has always been a life that’s full of fear
and the dog whose never felt a kindly pat,
will respond in spades to one who brings some kindness near
and I doubt there’s any would find fault with that.

So don’t ever think that one person can not a difference make.
Don’t ever think your contribution’s not enough
You may not have much cash to spare; cash is not all it takes,
a smile and hug sometimes is better when it’s tough.

Just to let those who are hurting know that someone somewhere cares,
is enough to give them strength to carry on.
Yes you can make a difference if you have the heart to share.
Give it a try and I doubt you’ll find me wrong.

Maureen Clifford © 1/11

Re: You had better believe we can

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:20 pm
by Neville Briggs
We can change ourselves, that might make a small difference where we are. I doubt if anyone can change the world for the's too far gone.

Have good year 2011 Maureen. :P


Re: You had better believe we can

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:05 am
by Heather
Nicely put Maureen. The gift of giving of yourself is the greatest gift you can receive.

Heather :)