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The long way home

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:20 am
by noelcauser
happy new year everyone.

The Long Way Home.

Been to many places in this space God gave too me.
Lived life to the fullest as far as I can see.
Searched out every crevice and took what was there too take
But still searching for an answer to the mistakes that I did make

Its a long way home my father said if you wander from the nest
Set your goals beforehand and always try too do your best
Never waiver from the principles of what I taught you Son
Least your life becomes a burden and brings a curse on everyone

Its not easy to record your life that has had so many ups and downs
The path, not always a bed of roses, as I've wandered town to town
Mistakes I've made are plenty but in servitude I've learned.
That errors in my judgment are now a badge of honour earned.

If what I've done has meant some hardship for another soul
Then ashamed I hang my head and beg forgiveness too unfold
I've tracked this path for reasons for I knew it was in my heart
To give back to those I might have wronged another start

Its a long way home my father said if I'm constantly mending fences
Keep on the straight and narrow Son and away from those offenses.
Repair your errors as you go, don't leave a job half done.
Rest not on your achievements, make me proud that your my son.

Well I've tried to do the best I could but I know I've fallen short
I know at times I've waivered but a gallant fight I've fought
But until my final call is rung and wherever I may roam.
I'll try appease my fathers wish and make my way back home.
Ncauser © 2010 :lol:

Re: The long way home

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:04 am
by Zondrae
G'day Noel,

If we all had erred as often as you, well heaven would be full already. Most of the readers of this site will not have had the pleasure of meeting you and I won't embarrass you be sprouting all the good works you do in and around our home town of Wollongong (and way beyond). But the fences you have mended are real and not the metaphoric kind, (Blaze Aide after fires in Vic) and the miles that you have driven were for others not yourself. (drives cancer patients to Sydney are all around for their treatment). And the visitors you have escourted were all from foreign shores (at the Olympic and Masters games)

Geese, Noel, I should have written a poem about you.. oh that's right I did.. I had better post it. What do you reckon?

Re: The long way home

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:19 am
by noelcauser
Zondrae. I have A long way to go to beat your travels and aspirations and the good work you do to inspire others too take up the pen. They say the "tongue is mightier than the sword" ,so with all these powers us poets should be able to save the world. I challenge every one out there to put a poem together under Obamas motto of "Yes we Can" and bring about change to our very troubled world we live in.

Re: The long way home

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:27 pm
by Bellobazza
G'day Noel, and a bright and prosperous New Year to you.

I'm not that many years behind you on the long journey home, so I can relate to the sentiments you express. At the pointy end of the business I suppose it's natural to take stock and see how the scales are balanced (or perhaps unbalanced, in my case).

I had just read Hully's "The First Day Of The Year" in "Users' Poetry" immediately before reading this, and I couldn't help thinking that his lines about "only we could judge ourselves / and only we forgive" applied so meetly to the character in yours. One of those unexpected pleasures that this site often provides.

Cheers, Will.

Re: The long way home

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:42 pm
by Jasper Brush
G'day Noel.

Good read mate.

Do I know you?

Did you wear a uniform?

I managed the School Student Transport Scheme.


Re: The long way home

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:54 pm
by David J Delaney
G'day Noel, nice work mate, been a while since Sydney eh! don't worry about the dept you think you carry, you will wake up tomorrow and realise it was all 'Just a Trucking Nightmare' :D :D

Re: The long way home

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:19 am
by noelcauser
Hi John. and others Thanks for your encouragements. I worked for the RTA as a Driver Testing Trainer for 27 years based at w/Gong but travelled most of the bottom part of the state. Never joined the forces, either too young or to old. I guess my enjoyment in retirement comes from volunteering where possible. Have been a member of a rotary club for 22 years and worked in both East timor and PNG construction of Schools and hospitals in remote areas. Have walked the Track twice in my seventies.Was encouraged to start writing by our famous Zondrae and a member of the Illawarra poets group. Still dont have much idea about Rhyme or metre.