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Sleepless Night

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:30 pm
by David J Delaney
Sleepless Night

Oh my! my sore and aching back,
feels like, I’ve been strung on a rack,
and all these bruises I can see?
are from a little girls stray knee.

And, of this lump upon my nose?
now let me try to diagnose,
for I remember it alright,
my injuries are from last night.

Kicked from my bed by those two girls,
who jump and yell and do their twirls
and bursting eardrums with their screams,
they push my body to extremes.

They’re now asleep in Nanna’s bed,
the spare room’s for my weary head,
I’m snuggled in behind closed door,
while in contented sleep I start to snore.

Now something that was unforseen,
I’m thinking, is it just a dream,
a soft voice whispers from the blue
‘hey Grandad, I’ll sleep here with you’.

So on this Queen size bed she crawls,
then, it’s not long before she sprawls,
and takes up almost all the room,
while I dread what will happen soon.

I’m drifting to a special place,
when there’s a ‘whack’ across my face,
her arms I’m trying to compose,
that’s when her elbow met my nose.

Blocked nose, tears running down my cheek,
my body’s tired, and feeling weak,
though one thing that I cant dispute
despite all this she still looks cute.

Reoccupying my small space
while facing her, my eyes now case,
and think how one so small and plain,
can, give a grown man so much pain.

I’m startled and again in fear,
her backhand crashes on my ear,
then, quickly she sits up a tad,
says, “where is my Koala dad?”

she lies back down just like before,
I’m thinking, I’ll sleep on the floor,
it might be safer if I did,
escaping this commando kid.

All night she kicked and tossed and turned,
while for some rest my body yearned,
it’s hard to sleep and keep an eye
on legs or arms that just might fly.

I know that in the morning light,
when everything will be alright,
we’ll all be squeezed in this old bed,
with books and stories to be read.

So what, I had a sleepless night,
but, it is always a delight,
and such a gift from up above,
to share your growing grandchild’s love.

David J Delaney
11/08/2010 ©

Re: Sleepless Night

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:55 pm
by Irene
And you wouldn't change the sleepless night for anything, would you DAve?????? :lol:

We are expecting our first grand child in February, and I am very much looking forward to times like those you describe!!!


Re: Sleepless Night

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:59 am
by David J Delaney
Congrats on your 1st & no, wouldn't change a thing :)