I'm bored ... Rain

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I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Leonie » Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:21 pm

Leonie Parker © 2010

Rain, rain, rain,
monotonous refrain,
I’m now replete.
your steady beat
has stupefied my brain.

Bored, bored, bored,
I wish I could afford
to go away
on holiday
to sunny climes abroad.

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Dave Smith
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Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Dave Smith » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:12 pm

Hi Folks is this the Qld that’s reported to be beautiful one day and perfect the next. We are coming to a wedding in Brisbane in April And I have spent last week fitting solar panels to our caravan so we can camp on the way and really rough it but still watch telly, do they have TV in Qld? :D :lol:

I Keep Trying


Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Heather » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:33 pm

Had enough rain then Leonie? Good poems though.

Heather :)

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Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Terry » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:19 am

Hi again Leonie,
How about sending a bit over our way, they're getting a bit up north but more or less nothing here (so far)
As Heather said good poems.

Cheers Terry

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Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Irene » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:47 am

A bit, Terry??!?!? If I was living in Carnarvon, I would probably call that an understatement!!! :lol:
I was in Geraldton last night to listen to my son playing up there, and we got a bit there, but not too much.

What goes around, comes around.


Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Leonie » Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:38 am

You'll be right Dave, it's business as usual this morning...

Sun, sun, sun,
a new day has begun.
We've skies of blue
all fresh and new.
I think the rain is done.

And yep we have TV, you just have to pedal fast. Actually I'm thinking of moving to Collie, I hear there is better than average chance of winning the lottery over there. (I saw that on our pedal TV). ;)

Terry and Irene, I wish I could send some of the excess water over your way, but I think I should be careful about spreading it around. I'm pretty sure Heather, for one, wouldn't want any more.


Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Heather » Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:12 am

Too right Leonie. I've just had the carpet dryed out and refitted. Gumboots and buckets are at the door in readiness for any downpours. Still, it's not hot, the dams are full, the grass is green, and I am grateful for that! There's always a bit of Pollyanna in me. :)


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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:00 am

Liquid sunshine Dave that is what we have over here.

Like Leonie I am pleased it seems to have gone for the moment - just squeegeed about 2 inches of water out from under the house and with the brisk breeze that is blowing it should dry out soon enough. At least the dogs area was dry

The ridiculous part of the situation IMO was that whilst it was raining last week it was still hot and muggy - AC weather, then yesterday it got really cold and I was wearing ugg boots and a tracksuit. Go figure.


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Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Leonie » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:35 am

Yeah, it did get cold last night didn't it? Woolly socks and dressing gown for TV watching here. The bird cages had an inch or two of water flowing through them, not that the birds care, except for the quails of course, but luckily they have a little raised platform. I reckon without that they would have drowned.

I'm pleased that breeze is out there imagine how muggy it would be without it, after all that water.

It would have been ...

Hot, hot, hot,
now what have we got?
the legacy
of all that bloomin' lot.

and then I could have said ...

Bored, bored. bored,
I wish I could afford
to go away on holiday
to cooler climes abroad.

See still bored even with the nicer weather. Can't do much - have to sit around dropping the dog every few hours.

Err .. I suppose I should explain. I'm not actually throwing the dog around Maureen. Effie went blind in one eye rather quickly and had an operation to totally replace the lens with an artificial one. She has to have drops put in her eye four times a day so I am dropping the dog. :lol:

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Re: I'm bored ... Rain

Post by Neville Briggs » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:49 am

That geat Leonie. Perhaps you could put all those stanzas into one poem for the childrens page, They are always "bored", they would relate to that.
My daughters constant saying when she was young " boooring "

" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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