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Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:57 pm
by Jeff Thorpe
This poem won me a pair of running shoes from "Run 4 Your Life Magazine". It was nice to see a "plodder" recognised.


All you seasoned runners, have you ever stopped to think,
why do we keep running, whatever is the link?
Why do we feel guilty if perchance, we miss a run?
Do we somehow feel that we are missing out on fun?
Surely we don’t fantasize ‘bout sweaty socks and shoes,
the sore and blackened toe nails which consistently we lose.

And what about raw nipples, the chafing in the groin,
are these the things we boast about – it’s not a club to join.
Then there are the training hours, the list goes on and on,
all to get a T shirt to complete a marathon.
It really is a quandary, a dilemma that’s unclear,
well, let us try to find out why, or at least draw near.

Perhaps it’s ‘cause we feel so great and suffer little stress,
not much seems to worry us, no demons to suppress.
We’re there to see the sun rise, nature blushing when on view,
the dawn that is evolving as we bid the dark adieu.
Maybe it’s the company, the camaraderie,
formed by running with a pack, a solidarity.

How does this addiction come to get to rule the house?
A question that is asked, I’m sure, by many a puzzled spouse.
The bulk of us in truth, will never ever win a race
but, that that don’t seem to stop us all competing at our pace.
Just look at runners’ faces, it’s a pleasant sight to see,
when proudly they explain with joy that they’ve run a PB.

I don’t think we’ll ever know why running feels so fine
yet, for 30 years odd now it’s been a craze of mine.
From fun runs to the marathon and many in between,
going out to have a run just seems to be routine.
Non runners often ask of me, “What, you’re running still?”
Thinking that if truth be told, this bloke is o’er the hill.

A fine response to these, I feel, is just to simply say
“Yeah, I’m not quite static, what’s your time to run 10K?”
In the main that seems to change the topic straight away
and get the message through that I’m not yet in decay.
I like to think that running keeps me fit and well and strong,
putting off for quite some time the need for a swansong.

Runners then let’s all unite and run on while we can,
who cares why we do it, we need not any plan.
The question will be there till we meet Peter at the Gate,
no doubt up until that time there’ll still be firm debate.
Oration, talk and discourse, these will go on for an age
but, we have better things to do if I am one to gauge.

Jeff Thorpe ©


Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:52 pm
by Heather
Enjoyed every step Jeff. You're over your injuries then?

Heather :)


Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:34 pm
by Jeff Thorpe
G'day Heather

Yes, back stepping it out and the shoes are wearing well.

Cheers, jeff