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lost recipe

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:47 pm
by noelcauser
Lost Recipe.

I was driving up the highway
as I often do.
The reason, 'Patient” transfer
And I've delivered quite a few.
Its what I do to fill my day
and keep my brain alert.
It gives me lots of satisfaction
Time given freely, never hurt.

At Waterfall I pass this sign
its there for all too see.
The more I think about it
I'm sure its aimed at me.
It reads, Enjoy Sex and do it longer
or similar words to that.
Just reading it I loose control
and don't know where I'm at.

My memory bank goes searching
for an answer to this cause.
Two K's down the track
my brains key pad presses “pause”.
Could it really happen too me
That I could tread this path once more.
The mind goes into overdrive,
that my sex life could restore.

I start to get hot flushes
then a smile come on my face.
Could I again help Pete Costello
Populate this human race.
My manhoods long departed
Na! this is a blatant ploy.
Its meant to stir us old timers,
and to revitalize the boy.

I'm going to write a searing letter
to the RTA for sure.
This sign could cause a major accident
and hurt us oldies too the core.
It just ain't going to happen.
It's very plain too see.
As hard as I might scan my brain.
There's nothing there for me.

I've watched the misses making cakes
Its an art all on its own
Don't mix the right ingredient
then your out there on your own
The results can be disaster, surprise ,surprise
Because however long you mix that dough
That cake ain't going too rise.

There are some things in life
that's just prudent to let go.
Expect the unexpected
and don't swim against the flow.
I know I've passed my used by date
and that should be plain too see.
I'm happy with the knowledge,
That I've lost the recipe.
Ncauser © 2010

Re: lost recipe

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:42 am
by Zondrae
morning Noel,

Tut, tut, Haven't they taken that sign down yet? I heard Fred Nile and his gang were after them.

We always expect you to see the funny side of things. What did you ask Santa for this Christmas?
(Noel is 79, a member of Illawarra Breakfast Poets and an avid volunteer driver)

Re: lost recipe

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:29 am
by noelcauser
possibly if santa could restore my memory loss it would be good

Re: lost recipe

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:55 am
by Bellobazza
G'day Noel...
I think I asked Santa for that last year...or was it the year before.........

Cheers, Will.
P.S. Perhaps Santa will bring you some little blue pills...? :twisted: