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Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:57 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Never actually thought I would ever find myself in these circumstances - but I have and and I wrote this during one of my many long visits, waiting while they searched for paperwork already lodged twice and mislaid, and all the while my aggravation and anger was growing with the duplicity and senseless requests for official bits of papers to be filled in and annotated by 'people in authority' when they already had documentation in their hands that told them what they wanted.

As someone who once was 'a person of authority' the whole situation just smacked of mindless point scoring by petty minded people who needed a good slapping - and a system that was woefully inadequate to service the needs of its people.

Pity help those who are unable to comprehend the twists and turns of a public servants mindset...some of these public servants really need to grasp the meaning of their title.


The long wait is appalling; one would not call it enthralling
as you sit on plastic chairs with other people from the street.
And the meek who make submissions for their sins of omission
have to grovel to the acolytes whose help they desperately seek.
No matter that you’ve paid taxes for many years or more.
Or put on the Queens uniform and fought on foreign shores;
here you’re just another number – just another walking poor.
One of the desperate Australians still coming through the door.

When you’ve submitted all your paperwork and think you’ve got it right,
then they turn around and grab you – take another vicious bite
and you’re like a dog chasing its tail - a demented crazy pup
as the stress and aggravation makes you just a bit het up.
It’s taken nearly sixteen weeks for them to grasp the plot
and approve the documentation. I’m grateful for what I got.
Now my days are spend economizing – cutting to the bone
but I know I’m one of many. Yes I know I’m not alone.

If you’re smart you make provision for the old age that will come
though you’ve no control if circumstances bite you on the bum.
So if you perchance win Lotto mates just take the cash and run
and give the pension folk a miss – you will have much more fun.
I’m not saying that they’re heartless – I’m not saying they don’t care,
but you have to ask the question when that old bloke over there
who can barely hobble far less walk – has had to leave his bed
to fill in a slip of paper – could they not phone him instead?

See that women in the corner the one there with six kids
to three different fathers so she’s says – all of them on the skids.
She’s trying to claim maintenance from them – we share her plight.
But are they sympathetic – not at all it serves her right.
I seem to sense compassion is a bit light in the room
admittedly some here lack the brainpower of a broom.
And no doubt some are dole bludgers and a working day will shirk
but there are others here who desperately are just looking for work.

There are those who are abusive. Good manners in short supply,
others who dress so badly you know they don’t want to try
but for every one who’s hopeless there’s perhaps a dozen more
who are courteous, kind but desperate - it’s these folks you’re working for.
So if perchance you hold a job where you need people skills
to cope with the humanity who with you shares their ills,
just remember if you would please, that a smile costs nothing mate
if you stood this side of the counter – I am sure you could relate.


Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:16 pm
by william williams
MIME is not the reason why for they are just the ? who works there [? did I say works there :lol: :lol: :roll:

so very true Maureen I've had brainer people feeding lost dogs in the local pound

bill the old battler


Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:53 pm
by Heather
Sounds like you need a bex and a lie down Maureen. Life wasn't meant to be easy hey?