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Madam Princess

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:08 pm
by Leonie
Probably shouldn’t have called her Tallulah. I think it gives her delusions of grandeur.

Madam Princess
Leonie Parker © 2010

I wish my stubborn dog would use the bloody doggy door,
not stand there like some pampered spoilt princess.
I wonder what the hell she thinks the hole is in there for.
She sees the others use it to excess.

They’re running in and out the thing a dozen times a day
but Madam Princess just stands there to wait
for me to come and open it. She knows she’ll get her way.
Ignoring her would be like tempting fate.

She’ll make a statement, leave a little parcel on the floor,
if I don’t jump when Madam Princess calls
and if I try to call her bluff, refuse to get the door,
she’ll leave a puddle like Niagara Falls.

I called up the dog whisperer to ask for some advice
but he said that no training was required.
His comments were unhelpful but at least they were concise.
He reckons she has trained me as desired.

Re: Madam Princess

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:51 am
by Heather
We know who is the boss in your house Leonie. :)

Re: Madam Princess

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:00 pm
by Terry
G/day Leonie,
Ever considered making Princess and outside dog for awhile, I'm guessing she'll quickly learn the secrets of the doggy door,


Re: Madam Princess

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:00 pm
by Trisha Patterson
Hi Leonie,
They say dogs have masters and cats have servants...but there's always an exception to the rule! You must have that exception!!! :?


Re: Madam Princess

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:34 pm
by Neville Briggs
The last line says it all ! Leonie :lol:

Re: Madam Princess

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:15 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Poor little Tallulah :( - seriously though is the panel plastic or mesh - because Mahalia would never ever go in and out through the mesh/grille one but has no problem with the flat smooth clear plastic one.

Figured the other one must have hurt her nose - just a thought. But hey why bark when you've a dog or a door person in her case :lol: :lol: Great poem.



Re: Madam Princess

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:18 pm
by Heather
Why would Tallulah want to push through a door when she's got Leonie there to open it for her? Smart dog.

Re: Madam Princess

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:57 pm
by Leonie
Yeah, she's got me well trained all right. :D

We tried locking her outside and she was perfectly happy to stay there all day and all night if I would let her. She's got shelter out there, so it's no big hardship now the weather's warmer. We have a better chance of her forgetting herself and going outside when the others take off after a cat or something.

We had a doggy door at the old place with a solid plastic door and she would never use that either so I made sure we got a nice soft one this time, but still no go. The other one ended up with no door at all, just a hole, when the littlest one smashed it out. He didn't know it was locked, and jumped through it. I reckon she is just waiting for him to do the same thing with this one :lol: and the way he barrels through it, that's on the cards too. He's already had a shot at it, and he knew perfectly well it was locked this time. :x He's a 5kg mini bulldozer.