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Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:25 am
by Maureen K Clifford
this is an old one of mine - but it seems Heather is becoming an expert in the Dance of the Seven veils - Oh hang on she is down to one., so thought it might give her a giggle - of course I was younger when I wrote this.

Belly Dancing

One’s always reading in the mags the importance of health.
It’s touted on the TV news to be worth more than wealth.
So after years of being an exercise underachiever,
I have embraced a new regime and I am very eager.
I’ve heard it is important to find something you like.
You’re more likely to stick with it - gym work or the like.
I thought a lot about this because I’m getting somewhat old
and don’t want body damage as my exercise unfolds.

So I thought that belly dancing might be the way to go.
It’s graceful and it’s feminine, you don’t have to touch toes,
and it gives a gentle workout from your feet through to your head
as your muscles gently undulate your abdomen instead.
Now my hips I gently shimmy and my skirt I twist and twirl
and with finger cymbals clinking I elegantly whirl
around the floor with tassels jiggling happily in line -
as damsel arms arch gracefully and tuckshop arms keep time.

My hennaed hands sinuously move, like lilies on a lake.
My belly muscles find it hard to properly undulate.
They say the belly soon will be trim, taut and terrific,
but unfortunately I suspect mine’s saggy and horrific.
But never mind it’s early days I’m all set to enthral.
I flutter lashes ‘neath my veil - I’m quite the femme fatale.
My eyes are black and smoky; it’s such a sexy look
achieved when my mascara smudged, when unsteady hands shook.

I’ve nearly gone A over T when in my fringe I tangled
and there was quite a rattling from numerous gold bangles,
as inelegantly on the floor I twisted and gyrated
‘cause I got cramp down my left thigh, this dance is overrated.
I think perhaps I’ll give it up, I hear the line dance call
and I love country music, I’m a fan of Tom T Hall.
Slim Dusty’s songs I have to say that I know every word,
belly dancing’s great for supple girls, but not for this old bird.

Maureen Clifford ©


Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:16 am
by Heather
It is very good exercise and we do get hot and steamy! ;) It's a lot of fun and we have a lot of laughs.

Heather :)


Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:14 pm
by Neville Briggs
I might race down to the pool and try the belly flop, is that health promoting ? :mrgreen:



Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:24 pm
by Heather
Ouch! My dad did that once from a helipcopter (playing soldiers). It was not a pretty sight Neville and I wouldn't recommend it.