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Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:20 am
by Maureen K Clifford
So sweetly cradled in his hands a new life just begun
in the Hospital at Bellingen – which will sadly be gone.
It has been here for so many years - built oh so long ago
from money raised by farmers and the townsfolk. It was so.

It's the heart of our community – where all our kids were born.
Our hospital at Bellingen from us will soon be torn
and we must travel further miles now on grey bitumen highways.
with always the fear lives will be lost – with help so far away .

Our small country community is being torn apart
by the bureaucrats in Government – those men without a heart
who sit in city high rises and frequent city streets
who don't know the names of those they see – so cannot by name greet.

But up here in lovely Bellingen, we are all mates and friends
who care about each other and the caring never ends.
We smile and chat and say G'day to people on the street
for they are neighbours, friends and colleagues and we know the folks we meet

So please help us save our Hospital – I earnestly beg of you -
spread the word to friends that you know – for between us we may do
what a single individual cannot do - though they be willing
Make the politicians listen – for 'tis us who pays their shilling.

Maureen Clifford 10/10


Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:54 pm
by Neville Briggs
I know what you mean Maureen. They can thank a certain NSW Premier who turned the Government " services " into NSW Pty Ltd Inc.



Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:30 am
by Maureen K Clifford
People in the cities tend to not realize the ramifications that closing down country hospitals causes. You close down the hospital and then the Doctor leaves town, then the chemist closes, before you know it people are moving out because they need to have those facilities especially the elderly - then the local store has lost business and he closes and people have to travel miles to get basic necessities so they too move - then the school closes because there are not enough pupils and the local service station goes - soon all that is left is a street full of empty shops and the odd roo passing through, and perhaps if you are lucky the pub stays open..

When one considers the shortage of hospital beds in the cities - you would think that every hospital bed was precious - and never more so than in country towns. People put off urgent medical treatment because they don't want to be separated by hundreds of miles from their families.

Seen it happen and it is not good.

Want to know more - see here.




Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:36 pm
by Bellobazza
G'day Maureen...
As a resident of this great little town, I hereby decorate you with the "Save Our Hospital Hero" gong ( a beautifully gilded virtual medallion with green and gold virtual ribbon and clasp ). I hope you wear it with pride and distinction since it is virtually priceless.

You will be gratified to know that 'people power' has triumphed, or at least won our small but invaluable hospital a reprieve. (Having worked for many years within the public health system of NSW however, I know that the our adversaries have simply retreated temporarily to revise their strategy.)

Unfortunately, as we are all well aware, governments of all persuasions are pursuing the exalted goal of 'third world standard health care for all Australians'.
The price of maintaining our regional hospitals at an acceptable standard of service is eternal vigilance and raising hell at every opportunity.

Thanks for the support Muzza. ;)

Cheers, Will.


Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:15 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
You're welcome Will - the more people who know about this sort of stupidity the better - you can thank Nelle Bell - it was her post on Pool that brought it to my attention she has put a heap of stuff up there re this. I just climbed on the bandwagon - but I am very happy to help if I can because I know the importance of hospitals to country towns. They are the heart of the towns.

So happy to hear that a reprieve has been granted - gives you time to gather resources and get this out there to the local TV stations - I would be sending it to every current affairs show that is on air and even overseas. It ultimately effects the whole of the country and is not on.




Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:21 pm
by Dave Smith
Hi folks I’m With you, we have an age care facility that was funded and built by the town people has been take over by the Gov and guess what? Right. You can win a battle 100 times but you only lose it once and it’s gone. Good luck.

Dave Smith.