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Re: Hidden Gully

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:31 am
by warooa
Morning Zondrae . . . enjoyed your poem. There's a special little creek coming out of the mountains near where I live I've tried to pen a poem about. That's helped me on my way. On the 'quarrelling of lorikeets' I especially reckon it's not obscure or odd at all when looking at other collective nouns for birds - ie. an exaltation of larks or a murder of crows. A quick google for lorikeets shows a "pandemonium" or -obscure with a capital O . . an "arnott" of lorikeets.

Cheers, Marty

Re: Hidden Gully

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:48 pm
by Zondrae
A big thank you to everyone who has offered up their thoughts on this poem.

Gives me hope that it is OK to try to, maybe stretch the language, just a little. Working on an idea inspired by the tragedy in NZ today. Such a shame. Prayers offered for all the victims.