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Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:14 pm
by Leonie
I like this one too Terry and funnily enough I have started one with a similar metre but I am finding it hard going getting that sort of up note at the finish of the lines. The first couple of lines just happened to come out like that but as for the rest. :( I don't think it's working for me. It's certainly not shaping up anywhere near as good as yours. Oh well, another one for the 'one day' file.


Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:21 pm
by Terry
G/day Leonie, (And thanks)
Don't give up, I fudge a little and use twelve syllables in some lines when I want to end with words like SINGING or RINGING and so on, the extra syllable is unstressed.
In the other lines of 11 syllables you end of course with a stressed syllable with words like BACK and Track etc.
You can of course use any length of line and combination you want, but with this type of poem I quite like doing it this way, it might just be me of course.

Cheers and keep trying Terry