A Slice of Australia not to be missed . . .

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Cas van Loon

A Slice of Australia not to be missed . . .

Post by Cas van Loon » Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:13 pm

If you've got the time and inclination there's one place in Australia a must see
diversity of flora, fauna unmatched, to experience all this take a trip to the Kimberley
go and fly or take escorted tour, if you feel so inclined drive up there in your car
the effort is well worth it for all of nature's diversity, astounding, it's not really that far

Mangroves along coast, stands of Paperbarks, Redgums in gorges in limestone range
along streams, Rock Wallabies clambering rocky outcrops, diversity of light, constant change
a fascinating landscape, diversity of flora, fauna, unbelievable to see it, a definite must
sometimes landscape is flooded, impassable, monsoonal rains, other times plenty of dust

Freshwater crocs basking in hot sun on river banks, floating like logs in water crystal clear
seemingly docile saltwater crocs lying motionless in wait of prey, dangerous anytime to go near
long-legged wading birds inhabit swamps,covered often with exquisite waterlillies in bloom
the sky on horizon signalling with dark clouds, coming monsoon, who knows, maybe very soon

The flora, fauna will astound you, unbelievable, amazing, some ghost-like mirages you'll see
seemingly barren landscape, but, in crevasses desperately clinging to life, many a tropical tree
looking around the plains, there grows the Boab tree, with massive trunks, antler-like branches
these trees grow to over a thousand years old, in summer white flowers of many nuances

The Mangrove swamps contain species of plants, which, anywhere in Australia unknown they are
migratory birds from all over the world stop here, breeding colonies, for their young they care
no bigger thrill when camping, at breaking of dawn, to hear symphony of birds starting to sing
identifying them almost impossible task, at dusk thousands of bats, going feeding, take wing

One never has to look for Bats, they congregate in vast numbers, with an overpowering smell
if you thought of packing a gas-mask, when leaving home, congratulations, you did very well
there are various species of mammals to be seen, in hollows of trees many a bird's nest
saying we've seen it all would be a lie, priority is now to return very soon and see the rest

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Location: Jurien Bay. WA

Re: A Slice of Australia not to be missed . . .

Post by Irene » Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:24 pm

HI Cas
Very diverse indeed!!! For all that I live so close, I have not been up there.
I have been to the Pilbara - and absolutely loved it!
It is evident you loved your trip very much - hope you get back again to re-visit!!

What goes around, comes around.

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Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: A Slice of Australia not to be missed . . .

Post by Terry » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:02 pm

G/day Cass,
Glad you got to see it mate, hope you make it back for another visit. There are so many places in the Kimberly and the Pilbara that are worth seeing and numerous other places as well if you have the time. You have described it well.

Cheers Terry

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