A Long Long Road

For sharing of original song lyrics, together with haiku, sonnets and other unusual poetry forms. Although not strictly bush poetry, we welcome the sharing of members' compositions in these three genres, with a view to inclusiveness and mutual encouragement. Open to all Registered Forum Users. See Board Index for separate section on free verse and non-rhyming poetry.
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A Long Long Road

Post by alongtimegone » Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:39 pm

A Long Long Road (blues lyric)

I've been running ...
my whole life through.
Trying to do what a man's got to do.
I've been running,
but it's a long long road.

I've been running …
just to make it on time.
To get there early – to get what's mine.
I've been running
but it's a long long road

My mumma told me stand up tall.
Pick yourself up every time you fall.
Keep both eyes on your journey’s quest.
It's a winner's world –
Ain’t no second best

So I'm running, fast as I can.
Can't slow down got to be the man.
Times I bend underneath the load
got to get myself up
'cause it's a long long road

I had me a job always bent my back
but my woman wanted more
(and ain't that a fact)
working day and night to keep on top
'Cause it's a long long road can't afford to stop

So I'm running
even though I'm beat
I’m working my way up to easy street.
The good Lord knows it's a heavy load
But there ain't no rest
'cause it's a long long road

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