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Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:38 pm
by Bob Pacey
If we keep telling the stories they will keep coming.

This is like a religion and we just need to keep converting them.

Poets Rule.


Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 11:55 am
by Terry
G/day Keats,& everybody

Following on from what Keats mentioned I agree and would go as far as suggesting that writing Bush (or if you prefer Australian) Poetry comes MAINLY in two distinct forms.
Competition poems which must necessarily conform to strict rules otherwise how would you judge to the satisfaction of all without endless disagreements, and some writers enjoy the challenge of trying to master it.

Poems written specifically for reciting have a lot more leeway, the poet has the freedom to blur the edges and bend the rules a little. (if he acknowledge any exist) The name of the game is entertainment and the audiences love it. This is not to say a good Comp poem can't be an excellent one to recite as many have been.

To me both forms are of equal value, like the two side of a coin, there's a place for both and long may it remain so.

There are of course some poets who have no interest in comps. or reciting they simply write for the pleasure of it, and why not.

Cheers Terry

Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:31 pm
by mummsie
Being very new to poetry writing [I'v always made up poems in my head and entertained my kids with them] I'v had no interest in recital,having entered my first poem in a small comp and won, I then thought maybe I should take it more seriously. So I joined this group to learn all I can. Our local Festival was held yesterday and I was asked to recite my winning poem, at first I thought no way, then on second thoughts I decided give it a go, you'v got nothing to lose. So I'v taken all the tips on board as to public recital, and gave it a shot. I surprised myself, I enjoyed it, and from the feedback I received so did the audience[maybe they were just being nice]When you put words on paper, there just that, words, but when you see the reaction these words bring to others, gives it a whole different meaning.

Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:38 pm
by Bob Pacey
Right on the money Sue. it's a real buzz and if the audience joins in it spurs you to greater things. There must be a surge of something as I find that after a show I just can not sleep and it takes a while to come down from the poetry high.

That fact that you composed the material only makes it more satisfying.


Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 4:21 pm
by Heather
Congratulations Sue. Sounds like there's no escape for you now. Guess we'll be seeing you in Laggan in September. Marty has the details.

Heather :)

Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 6:13 pm
by Neville Briggs
Gets in your blood Sue, showbiz...the smell of the crowd, the roar of the a minute the roar of the....smell of....?

Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:24 pm
by Heather

Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:39 pm
by Bob Pacey
And Cola !!!! Something that tastes so good cannot be bad for you.

Ah me hearties


Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:44 pm
by Zondrae
Good for you Sue,

Which comp were you referring to? Now you are not a (poetry stage) virgin anymore you can really get into it. Reading is not quite the same as reciting. That is your next step. Go for it. There are not enough lady reciters. Although I shouldn't say that, there were planty of us at the National Folk Festival.

And you are definitely right about the reaction being your reward. If just one person comes up to you and tells you they have shared your experience or how you 'got it right' it makes all the sweat and strain worthwhile. I had a lady stop me in the supermarket and ask if I was 'that lady poet' from Bulli festival. She went on to say she had seen me perform several times and loved my 'mothers' poems.

Good luck with your next competition.

Re: What Drives A Poet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 9:18 pm
by mummsie
Thanks Zondrae, The Tumut Festival of the Falling Leaf run a bush poetry comp each year, I must admit being the follow up act to John Peel after his just recited The Man From Snowy River is a bit daunting, a hard act to follow, well done John.