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JUDGE'S REPORT: The Copper Croc Written Awards 2016

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:36 am
by Glenny Palmer

Judge’s Report:
I am delighted to advise that there were 85 entries received into this year’s competition. I thank each and every one of you for so generously supporting my little venture, and thereby further supporting the promotion of our much loved craft.

Because of the relatively high number of entries it was quite an intense exercise to select the three placegetters from the ultimate top ten. When these ten were shaved to six, I had a rather tough time to choose between them. I therefore created a brand new category “VHCI” (Very Highly Commended Indeed)…lol… to honour the three that weren’t primarily placed, but who were so very close to succeeding.

I am also delighted to see a good number of new names in the entries, with quite a good level of skill. I must encourage these poets to ‘keep on keeping on’ as their work shows good promise, and could very well succeed in the future, given further study of their craft.

Overall, the standard of entries was very good indeed, with the common problem of mastering meter being the main detractor.

‘The Wild and Wonderful Australia’
prize was won by Shelley Hansen. Shelley has created an harmonious poem well worthy of her first prize in this category. She has lyrically demonstrated her love for our wild and wonderful country throughout, and has deftly woven her ‘belonging’ into its conclusion. Congratulations Shelley.

The Copper Croc second placegetter, the very aptly titled “The Silence of the Lambs” is a controversial piece, concerning child abuse and the clergy. It is impeccably structured in its forthright, yet innocent, direct dialogue between a child and his ecclesiastic governor. My congratulations to Tom McIlveen for this brave, social commentary.

I awarded the third placing to Will Moody for his clever blending of nature’s lyricism with war’s brutality; a difficult theme to master. “Moonlight on Menindee” delights the reader with some excellent metaphors; eg. “I’d sacrificed my youth to war, my innocence to Mars.” Thank you for this very fine piece, Will.

The Copper Croc winning poem, “His Mungindi Girl” is a superb work, (obviously penned from first hand experience) with a narrative that very cleverly combines the harsh realities of droving life, with the tenderness of a new and enduring love. The storyline fluently absorbs the reader throughout, conveying the feeling of ‘being there’ and being involved in all of the well defined, brisk action, coupled with the softer, subtle heartache, that underscores the piece. The reader is readily introduced to the main characters, creating a somewhat personal relationship with them. I thoroughly enjoyed being taken along on this exhilarating, yet bittersweet outback journey, as I am sure every reader will be. I congratulate Kelly Dixon for his fine creation, and his ultimate first placing.

I have Kelly’s permission to post his winning poem, which you will find in this “Results” thread, as well as in “Any Bugger’s Poems” to give it further exposure. This entire thread will also appear on the ABPA’s Website.

Please note that my scanner is being hormonal, so I had to type out his poem. Any ‘glitches’ therefore will be totally my fault. Hopefully there will be none.

I thank you all again
Glenny Palmer.