North Pine Bush Poets Camp Oven Results

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Mal McLean
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North Pine Bush Poets Camp Oven Results

Post by Mal McLean » Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:06 pm

North Pine Bush Poets Group Inc
Camp Oven Festival
28TH — 30TH August 2015
School Student Competition, St William’s Grovely.
Class 1. Years 3 — 4
Out of twenty-nine students the three highest scorers were:
Gemma Quinn,
Elisabeth Johnston.
Kaylin Handley.
Class 2. Years 5 — 6
No entries

Class 3. Novice Any Other Poet
1. Janine Keating
2. Paul Flemming
3. Frank Conroy
Class 4. Novice Original
1. Janine Keating
2. Frank Conroy
3. Ann Leadbetter
Class 5. Intermediate Any Other Poet
Class 6. Intermediate Original
1. Kay Gorring
2. Jim Kennedy
3. John Pampling

Class 7 a Open Any Other Poet — Male
1. Ron Leikefett
2. Paddy O’Brien
3. Bob “Pa” Kettle
Class 7 b. Open Any Other Poet — Female
1. Suzanne Honour
2. Cay Ellem
3. Geraldine King

Class 8a. Open Original — Male
1. Mal Beveridge
2. Paddy O’Brein
3. Mick Martin

Class 8b Open Original— Female
1. Geraldine King
2. Cay Ellem
3. Janine Keating

Class 9. Duo’s
1. Gordon Clarke & Anita Reed
2. Cay Ellem & Barry Ellem

Class 10. Yarn-spinning
1. Paddy O’Brien
2. Jim Kennedy
Class 11 Paddy & Glori O’Brien’s One Minute Cup
John Best

Highest Scoring Male Poet
Ron Liekefett
Highest Scoring Female Poet
Cay Ellem

Bruce Simpson Perpetual Trophy — Overall Champion Poet
Cay Ellem
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: North Pine Bush Poets Camp Oven Results

Post by Shelley Hansen » Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:40 pm

Thanks Mal - sorry that Rod and I were not able to be there to share in the fun!

For those who don't know the story, I'd like to give you the background to Janine Keating, whose name crops up in the performance results more than once.

Janine was introduced to Bush Poetry for the very first time just two weeks prior to the Bundy Muster in July, when she met Margy McArdle from the Bundy Poets. She was immediately captivated by it and began to read as much as she could, including the prize winning poems on our website poetry page.

She had never been exposed to our art form, and she had never performed on stage. She came to the Bundy Muster and entered the one minute cup - drawing the title "Did I Do That?" She wrote her first poem - telling the story of her intro to bush poetry and debut on stage, climaxing it with "Did I do that? You bet I did!" She got a standing ovation and won the cup.

Since then Janine's passion for poetry has only increased. She has performed at local events and she has started to write. She also prides herself on digging up little known gems by our traditional poets. Bob, I know you have shared the stage with her and Margy recently - she was delighted to listen to your performance.

We have kept in contact by email and I have been encouraging her to continue to soak up as much good poetry as she can - and to learn from it, as I have.

I don't think she is a Forum member yet, but I'd like to congratulate her on her achievements. I'm sure you'll agree that it is a real pleasure to see new poets and performers emerge.

Congratulations also to all other winners at the North Pine event.

Cheers, Shelley
Shelley Hansen
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Bob Pacey
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Re: North Pine Bush Poets Camp Oven Results

Post by Bob Pacey » Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:50 am

And not hard on the eye either. She will be a force to be reckonedd with. Not sure that she feels that comps are her thing but performance yes. We are doing a show at Turkey beach in a couple of weeks
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