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Oracles of the Bush - Tenterfield

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:16 pm
by Mal McLean
We had a wonderful time in Tenterfield yet again.

The professional team of Gary Fogarty, Dave Proust, Bill Kearns, John Major and Jeff Brown kept us all fabulously entertained over three days. The Saturday night concert was a near sell out and hugely entertaining and all the venues over the weekend were very well supported.

The Grand final on Sunday attracted a large crowd as well.

The usual slick organisation by the Oracles committee. Many thanks to them all.


Previously Published Works:

First Place Cay Ellem

Runner up Paddy O'Brien

Original works (Looming Legend):

First place Dennis Scanlon

Runner up Heather Searles

The Patsy Award (Novice)

Ken Reimers

Poets Brawl

Mal Beveridge


Humorous Brenda Joy

Serious Don Crane

I got to Tenterfield at 2.55 pm on Friday and found out I was competing at three o'clock! Crashed and burned! I seem to have set a precedent for some that followed. Ah well, next year. :D

Re: Oracles of the Bush - Tenterfield

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:51 pm
by Heather
As long as you had fun Mal.... :)

Re: Oracles of the Bush - Tenterfield

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:07 pm
by Bob Pacey
I'm sure they cannot be that strict Mal ? If they are then they need to change.

There is a poem somewhere there mate Crashed and Burned


Re: Oracles of the Bush - Tenterfield

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:15 am
by Terry
Congratulations Brenda & Don
