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Cervantes Written competition results

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:30 am
by Irene
Hi Everyone
My apologies for being a little late getting these results up.
We had a different judge this year as our usual judge was tied up with other committments.
Many thanks to all those who entered the competition - though numbers were down this year, the standard was not.

The results for the Cervantes Written competition are as follows:


‘Travel’ – Wade Cuthbert


First Place
‘On The Goatee Mountain Track’ – Tom McIlveen

Highly Commended
‘Closure’ – Brenda Joy
‘The Carnage At Stringybark Creek’ – Tom McIlvee n

‘Voices In The Darkness’ – David Campbell
‘The Breathalyser’ – Tom McIlveen
‘Jimmy’ – Tom McIlveen


It was my great pleasure to judge the Cervantes written bush poetry Competition this year.
The one disappointment was that entry numbers were down. This was possibly because some confusion may have arisen between this and the W.A. State Championships being held so close together. Despite the numbers being slightly down, there still were a number of very good poems entered.

I have restricted myself to making just the 6 awards this year because of the reduced number of entries, although other poems were worthy of consideration.

The winning poem was a pleasure to read - it’s a reflective poem that flows smoothly with a good consistent meter and storyline.

There were two Highly commended poems, one of which just missed out in a very close battle with the winning poem. It contained some wonderful descriptive passages.
The second Highly Commended poem was a very technical piece of writing that uses an interesting meter that I enjoyed. It also has a very involved rhyming pattern. The poem has a couple of minor inconsistencies, but is still a very fine piece of writing.

Three other poems were awarded Commended; unfortunately there were other poems that just missed out but may well win awards in the future.

There was a good mixture of poems, some very humorous, others of a more serious nature.

Unfortunately there were several poems that had those careless mistakes all of us aspiring writers make from time to time; no matter how experienced we are. Often such simple mistakes can spoil an otherwise very good poem.

We had only one junior entry this year and I really enjoyed reading his poem and hope this is just the start of a long career in writing poetry. I awarded the poem a Commended - well done.

And finally I’d like to thank all who entered, and if you missed out this time don’t hesitate to try your poem in another competition - the next judge may well have a different view to me.

Re: Cervantes Written competition results

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:35 am
by Heather
Congratulations Tom, David and Brenda (& Wade). :)

Re: Cervantes Written competition results

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:35 am
by Mal McLean
Still on top of your game Tom, I see. Well done to all.

Re: Cervantes Written competition results

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:37 am
by Glenny Palmer
Well done all! Congratulations, and keep up the good work.


Re: Cervantes Written competition results

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:44 am
by Terry
Congratulations to you all.
