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Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival Poetry Comp

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:56 pm
by Zondrae
Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival was held this past weekend.

As I was pressed into service as one of three judges of the poetry competition, I can report on the comp.
There were over 50 entries in the competition which had three sections. The adult open was won by Robyn Sykes.
with her poem 'Lovely Lies'. Robyn topped off her great writing with an animated (but not over done) performance on the day. The prize is a hand crafted, free form, sculpted trophy. Congratulations Robyn.

The Junior section was won by Jarrah Carlile, (aged 9) with a poem titled 'A Very Special Place'. He took home the Junior version of the hand crafted trophy.

This is not an exclusively R&M competition and indeed the winner of the third section, sponsored by the 'Crystal Creek Meadows' Bed and Breakfast, was a non-rhyming poem. The poem held memories of a past experience in France and was beautifully read by the author, Carl Leddy. Carl is the Editor of the local Community Paper and (If I remember rightly) has been either Highly commended or a runner up in more than one KV poetry competition. Unfortunately, due to a lack of sponsorship there could be no Prizes for place getters this time around.

As well as the Poetry comp, there were two Poets Breakfasts held at KV. The saturday is always held away from the festival proper in the Cafe Bella, Main Street, KV. There were about fifteen poets who put their names down to present poems. Allan Stone and Myself shared the MC duties and managed to include a few of our own poems in between the others. We had two virgin poets and I am taking bets that one in particular will soon be seen at 'The Man rom Snowy River ' competition. He recited this poem to perfection and it was one of, it not THE, best performances I have seen. He has restored the poem to the classics in my mind. I won't give his name, so as not to put pressure on him but I will be doing all I can to encourage him to 'have a go'. Sunday held more of the same in the main tent. At last they have up-graded us to the main stage. Again about 15 or 16 participants. Sandy Holmes of the Blue Mountains was the co compare. To sum it all up: Great festival, beaut weather, good poetry, good music and a fine time with friends. ( I even got to play my Ukulele)