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congrats to all winners at dunedoo written and performance

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:59 pm
by tom mcilveen
..robyn your reciting was are a natural poet and you blitzed them at dunedoo.. The competition was tough and it is a credit to you to achieve what you have in such a short seems like only the other day you were making your debut at crookwell done girl..
for those who don't know the other results at dunedoo ..i will dig up my notes..Terry Reagan won most of the men's performance sections..with Ken Tuff a close second and comedy performance was won by Neil Jones 'The Drover'.. The Saturday night was a big crowd..they came from near and far despite the was primarily a comedy night,,mc'd by Frank Daniel who was in fine form with his razor sharp dry wit, and the crowd loved him..Greg North and Graeme Johnson absolutely blew the crowd away with their performances...we had a great mix of Graeme and Greg who complement each other very nicely with their different styles..I was studying the audience during their performances..and Greg nad Graeme both had them in the palm of their hand..the crowd absolutely loved them ..well done Frank, Greg and Graeme; you done us all proud.ORIGINAL FEMALE SERIOUS..1ST ROBYN SYKES 2ND CLAIR REYNOLDS...3RD..JACQUI WARNOCK.. classical female... was won by Isabella Bailey (she was great !!!) then Jenny Markwell and Claire Reynolds both champion performers (did i get the order and names right ??correct me if i am wrong ??) CLASSICAL MALE ..TERRY REAGAN...KEN TUFF AND NEIL JONES... ORIGINAL SERIOUS ..TERRY REAGAN...NEIL JONES.. AND BOB SANDERS,,WITH KEN TUFF HIGHLY COMMENDED..
can somebody fill in the gaps i have left out or correct me if i am wrong.???????
.CONGRATS TO DAVID CAPMBELL , BRENDA JOY AND YVONNE HARPER..IN THE WRITTEN COMP.. I am indeed honoured and proud to be be acknowledged in such illustrious company with a 3rd and highly commended.
ALSO A BIG THANKYOU TO BETH AND JOY THE ORGANISERS..JOB WELL DONE !!! i will post some photos in picciies when i get some some beauties...
PS.. our local poetry group met in port macquarie on the weekend and we discussed running a performance and written comp in port macquarie...with a 'poets by the sea ' type of theme..i am going to organise sponsors and get the wheels turning ...will discuss with Manfred..any suggestions for a name ??as poets by the sea has been used at harrington..also suggestions for the best date to run it ?? not to clash with other events..??? for those of you who havent been to port macquarie will love it ..almost heaven as john denver once said..

tom mcilveen

Re: congrats to all winners at dunedoo written and performan

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:29 am
by Bob Pacey
Thanks for the update Tom and well done all.


Re: congrats to all winners at dunedoo written and performan

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:46 pm
by David J Delaney
Yes, congratulations to everyone & you Tom :) Oh! well, back to the drawing board... :cry: