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Re: Broken Ski Results

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:16 pm
by Terry
Thanks Catherine

I'm a bit like you Shelley, In my case I prefer to be to be alone without interruptions if possible.
I'm very fortunate that my wife Valma is very understanding and rarely interrupts if it can be avoided,
not that I'm too concerned if she does.
I also find I'm at my best, and things seem to flow better early in the day.
Mind you I used to write a fair bit of an evening when up bush.


Re: Broken Ski Results

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:03 pm
by Catherine Lee
Ah Shelley, everything you have said here makes me smile because I go through much the same! The middle of the night surges of 'brilliance' that don't get written down (or if they do, turn out to be nonsense from a dream!); the other jobs distracting me before I sit down (to what must be a tidy desk, which subsequently seems to promote an uncluttered mind for me!); and of course the intermittent bursts of activity. Nothing makes me happier than when ideas are flowing, but few things make me more frustrated and wonder who I'm kidding when they don't! In this respect I too have wondered what's wrong with me at times and wished I was so much more prolific. The mornings are best for me - after lunch my eyes get heavy - although occasionally I do find that moving to a different location in the evening accompanied by a gin and tonic or two can help :lol: It is always reassuring to know we are not alone in these experiences - and when the poems we've sweated and 'bled' over for so long achieve a result such as you and Terry have just accomplished it is the most wonderful feeling in the world! For this reason alone, I am thrilled to bits for both of you.

Re: Broken Ski Results

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:14 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Oh yes, Catherine - I understand completely! I also need a tidy desk and there's nothing worse than having a "brilliant" idea in the middle of doing the monthly accounts, then having to hold onto it until I tidy up before allowing it to "flower"!!

I'm so pleased I'm not alone - and thank you for your generous lack of envy in being thrilled for Terry and me and our recent success. You've had many "wonderful feelings" yourself, so you know what it is like. I think fondly back to the Bryan Kelleher award of 2012. You won, David came second, I came third and also got a HC. I didn't know you or David then, but I knew the quality of your work - and for the first time I really felt I had come of age with my writing - to be named in such company! That's not flattery - just stating the facts!

Since then, with David's kind encouragement and by reading and learning more from poets old and new, I feel I've been able to further develop my skills ... and every day I learn more, not least from this forum. I love the challenge of the writing workshop, and sometimes find it to be a springboard to other poetic ideas.

Cheers, Shelley

Re: Broken Ski Results

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:10 pm
by Terry
You yourself have been up there with the best of them for some considerable time Catherine; and well deserved too, and you will continue to to be for as long as you wish I reckon.

By the way my computer room resembles a pile of straw just after a Will,Willy passed directly through it.

Cheers Terry

Re: Broken Ski Results

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:28 pm
by Catherine Lee
Wow, thank you both very much! What gracious, humbling and encouraging words; you have both managed to make my week before it’s even properly started!

I can relate to all you’re saying Shelley, and also agree with you about the forum, as not only does it offer challenges and interesting discussions from which to learn, but it also allows us to get to know each other better. This link to you all has been brilliant for me, especially being so far away.

As for the Willy Willy computer room Terry – oh dear, I only wish I could focus in such a situation, but alas! No noise and no mess is my only chance. However, it would be fascinating indeed to delve into all that ‘straw’ to discover what lies beneath!

Re: Broken Ski Results

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:56 am
by Bob Pacey
You are gracious in the receipt of praise Catherine but it is well deserved.

Oh Terry the joy of finding treasures under all that straw , The worse part is finding unpaid overdue bills :lol: :lol: :lol:

Papers in the corner books upon the shelf, bills on spikes and an ideas bundle that one day must be gotten to.

I would post a picture but the cameras in there somewhere ?

Cheers Bob

Re: Broken Ski Results

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:48 am
by Terry
Sounds like you're as bad as me Bob.
That's why i can't write long poems mate, I keep losing the early pages.

My attention spans not too flash either.

Cheers Terry

Re: Broken Ski Results

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:26 pm
by Trisha Patterson
Congratulations to all concerned. Well done!