Results of 2023 Blackened Billy Award

Event Organisers can post Results here, with a reminder to also forward any results to the Admin for posting on the Main ABPA page.
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Shelley Hansen
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Location: Maryborough, Queensland

Results of 2023 Blackened Billy Award

Post by Shelley Hansen » Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:05 pm

The 33rd Annual Blackened Billy Verse Competition Awards were announced on 22 February 2023

Adjudicators for BB2023 were Veronica Weal, Glenny Palmer, Carol Heuchan.


1st ' Freddy ‘K’' - Tom McIlveen
2nd 'What more could we have done?’ - David Judge
3rd 'Where Angels Tread’ - Tom McIlveen

Highly Commended
'Dawn on the Collie’ - Peter O'Shaughnessy
‘Among the Sharks’ - Sean Duffy
‘The Captain and his Lady’ - Tom McIlveen
‘Where the Men of Endurance Ride’ - Brenda Joy
‘Gallipoli Now’ - Peter O'Shaughnessey

'Silent the Night’ - Catherine Lee
‘A Simple Epitaph’ - Tom McIlveen
‘The Spirits of the Outback’ - David Judge
‘Paradise Lost’ - Peter O'Shaughnessy
'Webs the Weather Weaves' - Robyn Sykes

Congratulations to all of this year's Award winners.
Thank you is extended to all entrants and supporters.
Special gratitude to Duntryleague for hosting the ceremony as part of the 10th Annual Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival.
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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