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Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:04 pm
by keats
Last night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I heard my wife's voice from the kitchen, 'What do you feel like for dinner my love ...... chicken, beef or lamb?' I said, 'Chicken, please.' She replied, 'You're having soup you fat bastard, I was talking to the cat!'

Re: ?????

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:19 pm
by Bob Pacey
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh please Neil no cat jokes !!!! Glenny will get upset. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Re: ?????

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:37 pm
by Dave Smith
Hey Cobber she called you a fat bastard, mate I would take her to task about calling you fat.

TTFN 8-)

Re: ?????

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:34 pm
by Glenny Palmer
My cats can take a joke......they picked me, after all.....