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Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:33 pm
by william williams
Blind Faith

Picture this scene

The year :-1956

Location :- Bush School at Back and Beyond

My Job :- First job as kindergarten teacher and this, my first day.

As I sat back after glancing through my manual for the twentieth time.
I watched the children arriving for their first day at school.
Some marching of from their parents like they were people in their past.
While some would cling to mum as though they were being taken away forever.
I glanced again at my manual, chapter one first get to know your students.
I entered that room where children some smiling, other full with tears of doubt.
Now my career was about to start,

I gathered those children all about me saying to them.
“My name is Miss Jones.” I said in a. kind smiling way.
“Now there are things you must do”.
“Like put your hand up if you need to go to the toilet, now do you all understand.”
I smiled as they said yes.
“Now all sit around so that we will all get to know each other”.

“Now little Billy as your name is first tell me what do you do for fun to fill in your time.”
“W w well I go down to the swamp and catch frogs.” “That’s nice and what do you do then”.
“W w why, I put crackers up their b b bums and light them, they go off with a bang.”
“Now talk slowly billy and it will help your stuttering, and the word you should have used was rectum, and you should not do that.” “I I I know mum tells me that, but it sure does wrecks um.”

(Oh God what did I do, to deserve this, I said to my self.)

“Well Bruce I see you are next and what do you do”. “Why I help dad milk the cows and clean up the shit off the floor that the cows do and then I go out and chase rabbits. Sometimes would I catch one and we would have him for tea.”
“Bruce dear fellow the word is dung that the cows do, not that other vulgar word.”

“Sorry teacher”.
(Why me dear lord why me. )

“Now Betty I see you like your pony.” “Yes teacher, I ride him all over daddy’s farm.”

“Ah what about you Carol”. “I love to play with my dollies and help mummy.” “That’s nice”.

“You are good little girl it is nice to see you children like your pets so much”

“Oh, Mary ? Why you have been crying what’s wrong!” “I wet my panties.” She said half crying.
“But I told you children if you needed to go to the toilet to put your hand up”.
“So I did teacher, but it trickled through my fingers”.

Now I ask you would you be a teacher.

Bill The Old Battler


Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 3:50 pm
by Rimeriter
Bloody beaut tale Bill.