What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by LongMan » Wed May 18, 2016 8:21 am

G'Day All,

Yeah I've had problems yesterday trying to post. It might be time to do a computer check on all our systems. With all the traffic and spam going around it can fill up the cache and router logs. I hate working on computers however its now become a regular chore...just like cutting the lawn. You have to keep your browser and internet connection well maintained.

In Silicon Valley CA, there is lots of good hardware at local computer stores. I have one here that is the size of two football fields with an amazing Faraday cage light display every hour like some weird clock....chime.


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Shelley Hansen
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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed May 18, 2016 8:25 am

Hi Manfred - I use Google and it is happening on both my older PC with Windows Vista and my new laptop with Windows 10.

Shelley Hansen
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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by Terry » Wed May 18, 2016 10:20 am

Hi Manfred
I use Google as well, My Browser is Firefox.

The problem went on for several days; the last two or three visits have been ok.

Hi long Man

By coincidence I had my computer cleaned up the other day including emptying the Cache,
It has certainly sped the computer up (I use windows 7)


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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by LongMan » Wed May 18, 2016 1:20 pm

G'day Terry,

With Firefox there are add-ons that will help with cleaning the cache and also limiting the scripts. I suggest you apply them as they will make life easy to log on. Also your IP is tagged and it can be bogged down with remote requests. A Netstat command will reveal all who are attached to your computer...Firewalls both hardware and software can be configured to prevent those troublesome IP's. Turning off your router to clear it will also help.

Unfortunately there is no simple one click function that will keep your computer in tip top condition...its all up to you. Best advise is to join up and go to a local tech school and take a basic/adv computer learning course.

Windows 10 is again designed to be very good; but you need to configure it correctly. Windows by nature is an open program. The best advice is to get an up-to-date hardware router and get it configured correctly. Yet many purchase these devices thinking my troubles will be over. But it is not...esp if you can't configure it correctly.

Also the grand-kids are notorious for mucking up the computer. Let them use the old one ...you keep a good one for yourself.

Just don't give out your email to anyone. Social networking/chatting is a problem as many sites are mealy hunting grounds for hackers or worse...Probing bugs are sent via emails, junk mail and spam...Java is also a problem. Don't click on links unless you know its ok and isn't gonna take you somewhere you don't want to go. Some web site monitors are not as nice as Manfred...and can be looking down up your computer files while you visit their site. If you want to meet people what happened to going to a local dance or pub?

However I don't want to alarm you as the WWW is a wonderful thing and has brought the world closer together....But together we need to make the WWW safe for everyone.


PS I'm not a computer tech...but had to learn the hard way.

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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by Terry » Wed May 18, 2016 1:56 pm

Thanks again Phil

Fortunately I don't do any social networking, just email.

Nor am I into gaming - just do a bit of dull old bush poetry as a hobby.

I run Norton 360 and that seems to do a pretty good job at a price.

Even my Mobile phone is just for emergencies and such.

That said I reckon there's some good advice for those a little more savvy than me

Cheers Phil

As a matter of interest I've had trouble again logging in.


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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by David Campbell » Wed May 18, 2016 2:08 pm

I have a Mac with the latest OS, Manfred. And I'm using Safari 9.1


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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by mummsie » Wed May 18, 2016 4:02 pm

I too am having all the problems listed. Yesterday seemed worse than any other day. I use Google chrome/Windows 7.
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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by Terry » Wed May 18, 2016 4:30 pm

The problems are back again for me today as bad as ever


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Catherine Lee
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Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by Catherine Lee » Thu May 19, 2016 12:18 am

Hi Mannie - sorry about not being specific - it's the 'page not available' thing I was talking about so I've been doing what Shelley does for the last couple of days and copying and pasting just in case. I'm using Google and Windows 10.


Re: What happened to Stephen's Marble post?

Post by manfredvijars » Thu May 19, 2016 9:37 am

Thanks for that input Folks. Getting a second opinion and having a Guru/ette take a look at the problems in the next few days.
At this stage it looks to be a simple upgrade of the latest version Forum software which needs to be confirmed.
If so, I'll give ample notice for the installation as the (Forum) site will be down for at least a day.



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