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Old time parties.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:38 pm
by Bob Pacey
Did a fundraiser for charity in Rocky today and some of the skits they put on were really funny.

Reminded me of the days when parties were about having fun not just getting drunk.

Can any one remember sending a couple outside while the other party goers were told they were a married couple on their honeymoon. When they returned they were blindfolded and the woman had to hold the neddle while the man tried to thread it by touch and talk only.

The comments were hilarious. Good clean fun.


Re: Old time parties.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:26 am
by Zondrae
G'day Bob and everyone,

Home safe and sound. Almost froze at Bathurst on Wednesday night.

re your topic - yes I remember the old 'house party'. We used to host the local youth group about once every three months (when I was a young teen) some of the games were so enjoyable. Remember pass the orange under your chin or the 'life saver' on a toothpick held between your teeth. Both of these were team games and your hands had to be held behind your back. Maybe we laughed at different things - before the advent of television. Then there were the old 'postmans knock' and 'spin the bottle'. We were all so innocent. Well our group were anyway.