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Zondrae King

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:41 am
by Zondrae
Notice: Since my husband, Wayne, passed away last August, I have had earth changing adjustments in my life.

I will be re=joining the forum page and back on the air from today. Thank you to everyone for your support and good wishes during this most trying time. I am now safely moved to the brand new Marco Polo Aged Care Facility at W0onona. my mobile phone number is the same but I have a new land line..0242837061

I doubt that I will l be able to go to festivals other then Illawarra, as I am no longer driving. But it is my dearest wish to start from the beginning and re-learn to write.

Very sad to note that some of the 'old boys' who nurtured me way back in 2002 are no longer with us. They may be gone but not forgotten. Frank Daniel, Blue the Shearer, Barry Lake to name a few. I guess the only bright spot is that with these departing there is a spot on the stage for some newcomers.

looking forward to hearing from anyone at or through the members pm message board on this site.

Re: Zondrae King

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:05 am
by Terry
Welcome back Zondrae.

I look forward to seeing you posting again.



Re: Zondrae King

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:20 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Lovely to hear from you again, Zondrae - and welcome back!
