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Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:12 am
by william williams
Now this fella won his share of prizes around the traps and quite a few were very prestigious

JOE Well that’s what he prefers to be called but I’ve met to many a swaggie over the years called Joe and he ain’t like any of them so I’ll call him by his right name FRANK DANIEL

When I first met him he was at ELMHURST on the outskirts of Bungendore cause he was the MC at the walk up breakfast their. Now that was the year of 199? and what struck me most was those words he said
Now listen here young fella (just remember half the lies I tell yah, are the truth!) What! and him being a year younger than me)

Now Frank being a good little Catholic boy wrote poems and yarns about all sorts of things and his Irish mother kept a keen eye on him and knowing Frank, that was a very hard thing to do where ever Frank went, Now these are but some that he wrote and recorded

The Irish left in mother
A candle in the dark
Chuckin Rocks
Aunt Marta
I’m the man
Hunt with the hounds
An outback tale
The new priest
Rusty rails

But don’t forget, Frank also had a serious side of him as well as humor

Done cartin’
The Spirit of Elmslea
The Spirit of Australia
Faraway Dreaming
Moola Mountain Sunrise
The Whips Have long Ceased Cracking
Saddle The Grey

There are many more poems and Yarns that Frank has written and recorded and these are but a few and it all started in Stuart Town in 1993 when he told the tale of the Flea and went on to become a foundation member of ABPA where he held various positions including Editor for many years.

He is now in very very poor health so how about us all wishing him well

Just remember Frank Daniel your Poem POETS NEVER SAY GOODBYE

And to you Frank there will always be CANOWINDRA CALLING her adopted son

Re: frank

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:13 pm
by Neville Briggs
I dunno if Frank is able to look at the forum these days, but a cheerio to Frank and kind thoughts.
Sorry to hear of the struggle mate.

Re: frank

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:54 pm
by william williams
thanks for moving it as usual I had placed it in the wrong place

bill w the old battler

Re: frank

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:26 am
by Duncan Williams
Yes i agree Frank did a great job with the A.B.P.A. magazine over the time i was member. and have heard him recite at a few poets breakfasts. but i think he talks to everybody before he gets on the stage to make him a popular man behind the microphone, but everyone to their own i guess. yes i hope Frank keeps well.
