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Henry Lawson Festival 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:30 pm
by Bellobazza
G'day everyone...
Cheryle Peters would like it known that if you are interested in entering the Gulgong Henry Lawson Festival and having trouble chasing down an entry form, written comp or performance, please contact her as follows and she will get one to you:

Cheryl Peters,
Henry Lawson Society of NSW Inc.,
PO Box 235,
147 Mayne St,
Gulgong NSW 2852
or, email: henrylawsongulgong{at} (replace{at} with @ of course)

Closing date for entries is March 30th.

Gulgong is a great festival, and I heartily recommend attending if you can, whether as a competitor or not.

Special note for Heather and Martyboy...a new category will be included this year for novice performance.

And don't forget there is a section within the written competition for "emerging poets" who have not previously won a written comp. This award includes a very desirable bronze representation of the famous "Loaded Dog".

Hope to see lots of forum members there.

Cheers, Will.