New Writers' Group.

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New Writers' Group.

Post by Rimeriter » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:25 pm

This group began as just three/four people in the relics of the old Guitar Factory, Parramatta.

At the second or third gathering a young lady joined us. Her name now escapes me.
However, her ability does not. She sang. She sang arcapella ?
(correct spelling eludes me, I'm just a basic wordsmith, also my secondary Music Teacher classified me as a 'frog')

But I do know that which I enjoy - it was magic. Perhaps assisted by the acoustics of the old structure.

It was bloody MAGIC.
Come and join the Modern Magic -
(unfortunately I am unable to enable the poster which should appear as an attachment)

NEW Writers’ Group Incorporated

Hoping you can join us for this special Ten Year Gathering at Mars Hill Cafe
Saturday 23rd June 2012
(upstairs) 3-5 pm
331Church St, Parramatta

R.S.V.P. 15th June 2012

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