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Ellis Campbell

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:05 pm
by Brenda Joy
Last month Ellis's daughter Leona sent, on his behalf, a duplicate letter from Ellis - it was almost the first written response he had been able to send to anyone for over six months.

Since September last year, aside from a handful of days, Ellis has been either in a hospital or a care centre situation. He has had to go through both physical and emotional difficulties. He remains positive that he will get better saying, "I will try to write a bit and maybe perform somewhere - who knows?" but it is a mighty battle. The hardest part for him is that he recognizes his demise and can not do anything about it. He ends by saying "One thing my long bout of illness has taught me - what an amazing number of wonderfully caring friends I have..."

With this in mind, if anyone needs contact details to send a personal message to Ellis, please pm me. Otherwise, I will pass on to him any forum responses.

Sharing in caring

Re: ABC radio

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:17 pm
by william williams
Thank you Brenda lets hope both Elis Cambell and Frank Daniel recover soon

Bill Williams The Old Battler