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Australasian Children's Poetry for the Chinese Reader

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:15 am
by Stephen Whiteside
I thought I'd post this in case anybody is interested.

Australasian Children's Poetry for the Chinese Reader

Under the auspices of the Macao community publisher, ASM, Mark Carthew and Kit Kelen propose a project to bring poetry for children by Australian and New Zealand authors to the Chinese reader.

Under Kit's stewardship ASM has so far published three large bilingual parallel text anthologies of Australian poets in Chinese translation: Fires Rumoured about the City - Fourteen Australian Poets (2009), Wombats of Bundanon - Twenty Australian Poets (2010), the noise of exchange – twelve Australian poets (2011). A fourth volume, of West Australian poets, is currently in the pipeline. These book projects are not merely about getting Australian and New Zealand authors published in Chinese; importantly they provide cross-cultural mentoring experiences for young Chinese poets and translators. Over the last three years Kit has brought ten of these young writers to Australia to workshop face to face with the Australian poets they are translating. Three week residencies were conducted at Bundanon in NSW in 2010 and 2011 for this purpose. In 2011 there was also a residency at the Westerly Centre at UWA to workshop towards the WA poets volume currently in preparation. For 2012 a plan is hatching for a volume of expat Australian poets resident in Asia. Workshops for this volume would likely be held at the University of Macau.

So a volume of Australian poetry for younger readers fits nicely into the ongoing series of books ASM is producing for the Chinese and bilingual reader. Mark and Kit will co-edit the anthology to be translated by ASM's growing worldwide team of poet/translators. While much of the work towards the anthology will take place on-line, the hope will be to bring a group of poet/translators to Australia for workshops with the poets at some stage in 2012-2013.

Initial publication will be with ASM in Macao with the hope of selling the work on to a publisher with large scale distribution opportunities in either the Mainland or Taiwan. Copyright will be retained by the authors, editors, illustrators and translators in the case of first publication by ASM. Hopefully this would be happening in the latter part of 2013 or in early 2014. If the book is sold on then rights and royalties would be negotiated at that point. So it's best to assume there is no money in this for anyone while keeping fingers crossed.

At this stage we are interested in calling for contributions from Australian and New Zealand authors in the form of poems with a children's or young adult reader addressed. All poems must be free of permission rights ie than can be previously published but all rights must be with the author. Poets are also invited to offer advice to the translators.

Please send work in a single word file (Times New Roman 12 pt) with name and details, along with a biographical note to and

Mark Carthew and Kit Kelen