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ZineWest 11.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:18 pm
by Rimeriter
My membership of New Writers' Group has been continuous since its inception.
For many 'good' things to remain good, change must happen, but also growth must occur.
The words that follow are but one indication of a happy, healthy and useful writers group

Crikey, aren't we NWG members bloody fortunate to have people dedicated to producing, improving and publishing this marvellous - Zine.
It is tremendous to have been able to see the growth, from what was our original magazine, to the current issue which came to me recently.

Seventy two pages of dedicated endeavour, provided for us by thirty three individual writers, combined with a specialist article composed by Sue Crawford, our esteemed editor.

A fine time of interesting reading awaits -

I felt compelled to compile these few words to post to my blogspot New Writers' Group. yesterday.
Having completed my interesting reading today, I decided to share my sentiments with ABPA members.

Footnote : Having just read the details regarding Cas Van Loon, I like many were unaware of his recent circumstances. Cas and I first met at an NWG gathering, possibly with the MerryMob at Merrylands.
Due to my personal circumstances I rarely attend either venue nowadays.

Both Cas and I enjoyed Aus.
Writing about her in our own way and styles.
Vale Cas. Condolences to has wife whom I have not met.