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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:56 am
by manfredvijars
matt wrote:... the excellence of one woman's undies is the fabric of another mans contempt...
... and excellent they were too - they fitted (me) perfectly ... :o :lol:

Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:01 pm
by Gary Harding
That's great Manfred.
My latest project is to build a HUGE box-kite, send up the neighbour's dog on it with a parachute and prove it is survivable for dogs to parachute into the sea.
It is 80% finished.
Then suggest to the Army that a platoon of box-kite parachuted pitbulls could wreak enormous damage on an enemy, cheaply ... more so than an outdated conventional submarine that even the Nazis in 1945 would have laughed at!
If I can get the pitbulls to wear panties (if you have any to spare?) then the ISIS fighters will either die laughing or be savaged to death.
As always.. my motive is money! not any nationalistic feeling.

Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:07 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Pit bulls would lick them to death - they are beautiful dogs.
Pit bulls in Tutus.JPG
No bad dogs just bad owners.

Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:46 pm
by manfredvijars
Gary Harding wrote:Then suggest to the Army that a platoon of ....
... Pantaloon jumpers called, "The Flying/Jumping Pantaloons" ?? ... :lol:

Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:16 pm
by Heather
You're all weird.

Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:44 pm
by manfredvijars
Heather wrote:You're all weird.
Nahhh, just "wired" (differently) ...

Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:19 pm
by Bob Pacey
NO definitely Weird !

We are the only sane ones H


Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:47 pm
by Heather
You wouldn't say that if you knew me Bob. :)

Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:32 am
by Gary Harding
The second session of the Inquiry was held in Perth.
Witness references to Balladry in the last Melbourne session were less than complimentary. (Hansard is available on-line for the Melbourne session.)
I thought " Here we go again.. easy questions lollied up.... pandering to Arts vote... "
But no!!
Amazing. Totally different to Melbourne.
Senator Ian Macdonald absolutely ripped into them from the start!! No mercy. Like a terrier. Glenn Lazarus as Chairman had to drag him off them.. ! heel Fido!
It was hilarious. I could not believe the difference !
No simpering sympathetic vote-getting questions from Ian... this was Game On!
The witnesses thought they would have it all their own way again.. and grandstand and snipe at George Brandis, unopposed. Bunch of cowards.
Not this time. They were ambushed by Senator Macdonald.
One witness used the trendy deep-and-meaningful sounding term " tactical intervention".
Glenn Lazasus then asked the witness in his usual laconic manner " being an old footballer, front runner, head basher and so on can you tell me what is a "tactical intervention"...".
Gottcha, smarty!
I guess in Rugby, tactical intervention has the obvious meaning.. you take someone out??
They say stuff like..."I think that there is a real concern that...." OH, really...?
It is as if the veil is being lifted on the lot of them now. They are really shooting themselves in the foot and providing a ready roadmap of where funds can be cut. A mass of boring wingers.
I had to miss the vast majority of this session due to a family problem...
But what little I heard this time was a real Brawl!! and very entertaining. Good value.
I will check Hansard when it comes out for any more questionable references to bush ballads....

Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:14 pm
by Gary Harding
The next Arts Inquiry will be this Friday 11th in Brisbane and if anyone is interested there is a live audio stream.

The Hobart session (unlike Melbourne) as far as I can tell contained nothing on bush poetry but I will need to wait for Hansard to be sure.
Generally one can tell by the speakers whether there is any poetry interest.

My own submission is not yet published, and anyway I was not invited to Brisbane.
It is just as well really, and certainly not the first time I have missed getting an invitation to a party. They probably do not invite riff-raff, which is fair enough and I have probably been thrown out of nearly as many parties as I have been invited to... so they did the right thing. It is doubtful whether I could have attended due to my elderly Dad being very unwell.

Anyway, the whole act is degenerating into a Massive Farce. One-sided. An Artie Party. All having a winge. Winesses fronting up to the inquiry dressed in casual gear, no suit and tie. I mean these are Arts elite and do not conform to any dress standards thank you... Senate Inquiry or not. The smugness and supercilious attitudes are staggering... and repugnant.

Have a look at Freethearts on facebook to see exactly what I mean. There is even a guy picking his nose at the start behind one speaker. What cultural excellence. Good Aussie stuff. Is nose-picking a new art form requiring an Australia Council Grant? It is so funny!!! Comedy in a way.. if one has a warped sense of humour.

George Brandis is really upsetting a major established SYSTEM. Obviously.
One can easily detect the undertones of The Club. That includes poetry too. There must be a hierachy, and as far as this arms-length Australia Council business goes.. what a joke. It is clear there is a power elite controlling the whole thing. And George has the nerve to barge in and upset the whole cashed-up applecart. The happy flow of money. Who does he think he is!? The Club control Arts, not him.

I hope George wades in to the lot of them hard. They are certainly making his job incredibly easier at present.

I reckon chairman Glenn Lazarus must get back to his hotel room, call for a stiff drink and turn on the Rugby... to forget that pathetic lot!
By being given free rein, they are exposing their flank... making themselves such easy targets.

Let us see what Brisbane brings... other than more of the same.

I will check it out to see if there is again any reference to Bush/Traditional Poetry. I think at the end Lawson and Paterson (one t) will have an enormous revival. It will be a revolution in poetry.