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Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:22 pm
by manfredvijars
Milton Taylor, "Helping out" at breakfast ... :D

Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 3:06 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Farewell my dear old mate & fellow bard. I'm still trying to absorb this tragic news. Milton was a Master Craftsman & a treasure to us all... especially the youngsters he continually mentored & introduced to our Bush Poetry movement. I draw comfort from the vision of him hamming it up in Heaven with our other much loved poets. :cry:

Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 3:25 pm
by thestoryteller
We've all been guilty of sharing tales about our Poet mates, some true and some with a bit of imagination thrown in, and this is an oldie I shared about Milton.


Most Bush Poets have a hobby or two outside of poetry and my old mate Milton Taylor from Portland in New South Wales has a great love for the doggies - greyhounds that is. He's been known to frequent the track from time to time and have a little bit on the side. He's good mates with a particular bookie down there and according to his lovely wife Loveen, poor old Milton seems to have trouble trying to pick the winners.

Loveen was telling me last year about a particular meeting where Milton had tried all day to pick a winner but wasn't having much luck. The bookie, being a good mate of Milton's, felt bad about taking his hard earned dollars and called him over.
"Look Milton old mate," he said with a sense of fair play in his tone. "You're a good sport and it’s about time you had a win. I'll give you a real good chance."

Whereupon he began to write down varying amounts on some slips of paper - $5, $100.00, $10.00, $2.00, and $50.00 and then placed them in his hat. He shook it vigorously then held it out to Milton.
"Go on mate," said the bookie, "take your pick."
Milton rummaged in the hat and then pulled out a scrap of paper.
"Well?" said the bookie, "What's it say?"
Much to Loveen's dismay Milton replied, "Akubra."

Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:14 pm
by manfredvijars
I thought Milton came from Ilfracombe ....

Here's Milton performing "The Ryebuck Shearer"

Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:32 pm
by thestoryteller
MiltonTaylor 'TOFU' @SaraSweatwaters * Elko,NV

Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 1:21 am
by Irene
In 2010, I attended the Nationals in Bundaberg. I rolled up at Bundy on my own, and feeling very much like I would be on the outskirts of the bush poetry community. I found the opposite - a welcoming and friendly group of people who welcomed me into their midst. And no-one was more welcoming than Milton Taylor - a man I had heard of but had never met, and never imagined would have any idea of who I was, with me being from the west.
Not only did he indeed know who I was, he commented on my poetry, encouraged me in my work, and made sure I felt very welcomed and a part of the group. In that one weekend, I experienced what is obviously the essence of this special person - someone who has a passion for bush poetry and for people; who takes an interest in others within the bush poetry scene, no matter how far away they may live, a person who is supportive and encouraging to newbies (and not so newbies!), and someone who is willing to share his knowledge, skill and experience with anyone who wants or needs it. A true gentleman and passionate advocate for bush poetry.

I always hoped I would meet up with Milton again on my next trip to the east, but it is not to be - and that saddens me deeply.
Rest peacefully Milton, and my deepest sympathy to all his family and friends.
At Sandys.JPG

Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 11:21 pm
by mummsie
I remember that weekend well Heather- the first time I'd met Milton and Frank Daniel, how could I ever forget two of our finest. So giving of their time and knowledge. I was just starting out-shy and very unsure of myself. I remember questioning what I was doing there among so many of our finest. Milton approached me after I recited one of my poems and said he liked what he heard but that I needed to work on my voice projection. From that moment on, every time a break was announced Milton would say "no breaks for you, we need to work on that voice " and so it was- every spare minute Milton would take me aside, sometimes with Frank and Greg North in tow. Ironically, today I often hear "your voice is so clear". Well, that wasn't always the case, thanks to Milton Taylor. I met up with Milton some fifteen months after that weekend, at Tamworth and like Irene, I didn't think he'd remember me. Not so-he greeted me with "hows the voice coming along?" That was Milton.
And we are hearing so many tales like this. Tales of a man who was so generous with his time and knowledge whom, I for one, will always be grateful to. RIP Milton. You will always have a special place in our hearts.


Milton's life honoured

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 6:36 pm
by Robyn
I received this note:

Milton's life will be celebrated and honoured at his last gig, Lithgow Golf Club, Friday 29 May, at 2:00pm.

All welcome.

Milton's ashes will be scattered on the Thomson River at Longreach, on a date to be fixed. His many western friends are invited to join in this final farewell.

Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 9:07 pm
by Will Moody
Hello all...remember me?
While this poem was prompted by the sad news of Milton Taylor’s passing, it’s sentiment is dedicated to all of those stalwarts lost to our community in recent months.
Please stay safe and well you lot.
Regards to all, Will.

In Memory of Absent Friends

Another tale is ended – a lifetime’s span is told.
Another light extinguished – another campfire cold.
Once more, a friendship severed – another star has set
and many a heart is heavy and many a face gleams wet.
Your restless pen lies idle – the white page waits in vain.
The stage stands veiled in shadow that you’ll not grace again.

Another time of parting – of grieving heart and mind.
And yet, there is thanksgiving in those you’ve left behind –
for fellowship full measure, the laughter and the tears;
for moments we will treasure, fellow poet, down the years.
The singer’s voice is silenced, but echos ease our pain
when thoughts of you entice us to stroll down “Memory Lane”.

Re: Vale Milton Taylor

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 9:35 pm
by Heather
Tears. That is such a beautiful tribute. We sure have missed you Will Moody.


What was that poem that Milton did at Morrisett that was a tongue twister? Was it about ducks?