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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:55 pm
by Heather
I learn from example so tips are good.

Dot, take the plunge - it's the best way to get some feed back in a non competitive way. We all had to start somewhere. I started on this site and the help I have received, plus the examples of others have been a great help to me.

Hope we see you soon.

Heather :)


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:03 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Hello Dot....lovely to 'meet you' & welcome.

Thank you for your post, and the opportunity to invite others into our typical 'family home'...warts & all. :lol:

Public speaking is one thing; but sharing your poems is a little like inviting strangers into your own personal thoughts & emotions, so it is naturally a tad nerve start. The very first time I read a poem of mine..last century sometime...for the life of me I could NOT get my left leg to stop visibly vibrating. My palms were sweaty & I wished I was anywhere but where I was. You have taken the first courageous step, and I endorse Robyn's & Heather's kind suggestions.

From time to time (as in any typical 'family') we have some 'strained' communications, but they always work out fine in the end. You will find that pretty much everyone on this site is very supportive & encouraging....AND keen to see new work. So pleeese do give us a peek at one of your poems.

On the Homepage, under 'TIPS' you will find writing & performing tuition from some of our highly regarded & accomplished poets. My BASIC tutorial, 'Unstrained Melody' used to be there but has disappeared, (working on that). If you email me at glennypoet at bigpond dot com I am happy to send you a copy if you wish. It should be a great tool to share with your group & to learn from yourself.

Looking forward to reading your first ever poem posted here on our friendly site.

Glenny Palmer


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:27 pm
by Neville Briggs
G'day Glenny. Yeah I knew about the TIPS on this site. I meant we used to have a page where members could post tips or useful imsights for issues that arise from time to time.
And yes I do realise that such a thing would need some 'guidance' .


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:54 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Oh goodo Neville. So, maybe when someone asks for some assistance on a thread, would we then post the actual suggested demonstation on THAT page...with a reference to the original page...or perhaps on both?
I dunno. I'm right outta time to finish 'preparing' for Tamworth so I'd better scoot. But it's a good idea to work on.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:22 am
by DollyDot
Thanks to all for your encouragement. I have been writing for a while and have done some performances. It is just that I see a huge difference between getting up and performing and seeing one's work in print. In performance you can kinda make it sound right even if isn't. I will send something in the future (maybe the Homework Topic); and will keep working on the rest of our group to do so as well. Our little group here in Townsville is humming at the moment. Thanks again.



Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:12 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Gee you are much braver :o 8-) than I am Dolly to do performance :lol: I mean people could throw eggs - but just on a forum they can't really get at you can they :lol: :lol: :lol:

From time to time there are collaborative poems going on this site which are great fun or you are perfectly free to start one off. Give it a go - you can't go too far wrong with just 4 lines at a time to kick you off and we won't kick you off anyway and the beauty of the collaborative poems is that if you tend to wander a bit of course the next person along will probably steer you back again.

Great to hear you have a poetry group going in Townsville - I lived at Kirwan for a few years - it's a great town

Gotta start somewhere girl - seize the day - and don't forget to start a folder ;)




Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:45 am
by Neville Briggs
That's it Glenny.