Brian Bell - item 2.

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Brian Bell - item 2.

Post by Rimeriter » Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:01 am

Brian was able to attend our Tenth Anniversary yesterday.

He arrived a little late, having also been to an event in Katoomba earlier in the day.

Naturally congratulations were bestowed. Brian joined into our composite readings during the afternoon.

We discussed his ABPA involvement which he agreed was minimal. !!

He mentioned Manfred, adding that he is a funny bloke who is able to generate much laughter.
I think Manfred would say the same of Brian, I certainly do.
Brian has an innate ability to quickly 'weigh' a situation and respond with an appropriate one or two liner or in fact a suitable piece from his memory storehouse
However, we both agreed that it is all too easy to meet up with those who can mostly provide negative
commentary out there.

I suggested that he should post his winning piece to his ABPA page.

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