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Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:51 pm
by william williams

There was a tale told out at Mount Isa, about an outback mining town, and a Kalgoorlie Madam who tried to make? a somewhat illegal quid

Well she gathered all her shady lady friends to make a travelling show, where she taught them all sorts of the tricks she thought that they should know.

You see these women came in all shapes and sizes, some were rather buxom ladies while others they needed all the help that they could get but they were enterprising lot ladies who quickly climbed a board their bus to travel in style, to those female hungry men.
After travelling many rough and dusty miles they arrived to where those hungry miners were to be found.

Good morning ladies bid the publican; as they arrived. Please alight ladies he said thinking to himself as he thought of all the beer that the men would consume as the crowded into the bar you see there are no women to be found around the district

Now the motel owner, he was happy for he was money hungry chap who rubbed his hands with glee.
For the madam had acquired all his rooms.

Well that Madam quickly made it known that Saturday night there would be a real live ladies show,
And like wild fire the word was quickly passed around that there was to be an all female show.

From far and wide the men gathered around the town in little groups gazing at their hearts delight, at those sexy ladies that seductively strutted around the town, oh what glorious sight they were.

Saturday night the beer flowed like water in that mining town and a busy night was to be had by one and all, in fact it was so busy that it was hard to tell you all about it all.

Bleary eyed and somewhat tired the Madam walked over to settle her daily account, with the motel owner and after she tallied it up you old rogue, the Madam squawked, this bill is nearly twice the amount that you quoted.

Now you see I’ve tallied it up real close the motel owner claimed the extra in the bill you see It’s because of all me chooks
You see, the fruit of love that your girls enjoy, the skins they threw outdoors and choked all me bloody chooks