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ten mile bore

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:23 pm
by william williams
The ten mile bore ©

We were camping by the ten mile bore, where the owner Lofty told us to. Cause, the shearing shed was mighty good, and the quarters they’re okay, and beside the shed there was a hundred acres paddock well fenced, so our horses wouldn’t stray.
Well, we cranked the old ford truck up, for our supplies were getting low, and the monsoon would be on us soon, if we didn’t hurry up. Why there were things we needed to get like flour salt and rice, and potatoes onions too, powdered milk an tins of butter, dried peas and beans to boot, and tins of fruit, why cookie you’re bloody beaut.
An the old Ford truck she’d get her needy parts before she carked herself,
Why there were shirts and trousers, jocks and socks that we needed and as I was saying, our needs were mighty great.
But our list was soon filled and then, we went of to have a beer or two.
Yah see Old Murphy was the publican, and so he helped to load us, and gave us all a coldie to help us on our way, but as we settled on our seats our earnest cook he cried I forgot boss, we needed kero for the fridges boss two tin will be enough to keep the beer real cold.

And now with all onboard we finally left the town. But the further down the track we got, the faster raced the storm, and the closer we got to camp, even closer came the storm.
But we made it to the shearing shed just before the storm got there, and the lightning flashed the thunder roared ‘twas a frightening sight to see but alas?
There was no blooming rain, and the day it stayed bloody hot

The truck was emptied mighty quick as the men’s sweat ran down their backs and as a group vowed they wouldn’t touch a drop of beer until that rain came tumbling down from those darkened rain filled clouds

And cookie claimed these kero fridges they must be lit, if we’re to cool our Christmas grog. Now cookie pulled the fridge tanks out and opened them then went to get the kero.
Now blue! Our well breed cattle dog thought he’d do the job for him and cocked his leg and did what most dogs do and peed and our kelpie bitch squatted on the other tank for she was not to be out done, and quickly left the scene.
When cookie topped the two tanks up, and slid them back in place and then proceeded to try and light the wicks, but they wouldn’t light, they just wouldn’t go, not even though he’d tried his best.

When on the ground he saw dogs pee marks on the floor and then, the lightning flashed and the thunder roared and the rain came tumbling down.

The men they cheered as they opened up their beer.

But alas the bloody beer was warm

Bill Williams

Re: ten mile bore

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:43 pm
by Neville Briggs
When ya gotta go ya gotta go..woof. :P