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38 Dulcie

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:35 am
by Stephen Whiteside
38 Dulcie

© Stephen Whiteside 21.11.2011

It was late morning when they awoke. What with Horatio’s fright and pain, and Magnifico’s physical exertion, they were both exhausted. They shuffled out of the tunnel and down to the water’s edge for a drink, and to find something to eat.

Good morning. My name’s Dulcie. What’s yours?

Horatio looked left and right in astonishment and wonder. Where was that unusual voice coming from? It was soft, high-pitched and breathy. And it sounded friendly. Neither of them had heard a friendly voice in a long time. But it seemed to be coming out of the thin air. No animal to either side, and no bird above. Not even a fish in the water.

Aren’t you going to tell me your names? That’s not very friendly.

I...I...I’m Horatio. And this is my friend, Magnifico. But who are you? Where are you?

Look above you, and slightly to your right.

Horatio squinted in the morning sun. There was nothing there. He struggled to adjust his focus. Ah yes, he saw a long stem of grass stretching out towards the water, bowing under the weight of something. What was it? Some sort of insect with large wings?

Is that you there? What are you? A dragonfly or something?

Certainly not! Dragonflies’ wings stick out sideways from their bodies! Big, horrible, ugly things! I’m a damselfly. See how my long slender wings rest in line with my body? They’re beautiful, aren’t they? Besides, dragonflies’ eyes are too close together. They even touch, which I think is absolutely disgusting. But I never trust anything whose eyes are too close together. And neither should you.

Should we trust you then?

Of course!

Why should we trust you?

Because I’m Dulcie. And I’m your friend. And I’m so beautiful.

Fair enough. And should you trust us?

Of course!


Because you are friendly and trustworthy, that’s why. I’ve been watching you too for quite a while now. And I’m a very good judge of character.

You can come with us if you like.

Where are you going?

To see the world. And find a peanut cow.

All right. I’ll come with you.

Horatio was amazed that Dulcie agreed, just like that. No questions asked. She didn’t even ask about the peanut cow.

That’s great. It’ll be great to have another friend. Especially somebody who understands this river, and life in the wild. Magnifico and I are from the world of civilisation, and we’re really struggling to work out how to survive out here.

Yes, I can see that. You don’t look well.

Horatio was wondering if he should take offence at that comment. Where he came from, people - especially strangers - usually said nice, positive things, even if they didn’t really mean them. But Dulcie was different. She came right out and said what was on her mind. Horatio liked that.

No. We’re not well. Not well at all.

Horatio and Magnifico explained briefly all about the disasters of the last few days.

Good Heavens. You’re going about it all the wrong way. You have to make friends. You can’t survive without friends. Besides, it’s fun having friends.

Well, we’ve made a start now, haven’t we?

Yes, you have. And about time, too.

But why do you want to come with us? Won’t you miss your own people?

Yes, that is true. I will miss them. I will miss them terribly. But I am an old damselfly. I was born two months ago. In another month, at the most, I will be dead. Sooner if the weather turns cold. I’d love a chance to see the world before I die.

That’s so sad! Only a month to live? But you’re not old. Two months is not old.

Well, I was a larva for several years before that. A nymph. Which was not terribly exciting, as you can imagine. But damselflies only live for a few months. That’s the way of the world. Don’t be sad for me. I’m not. I already feel quite old, and tired. But I’m not too tired to spend some time looking after you two, and helping you find your peanut cow.

Well, that would be wonderful. Thank you very much. When do we start?

Right away!