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a Journalist answer

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:45 pm
by william williams
A Journalist Answer ©

In my latter years I sat in that quiet dim corner of the pub
That nestled in the shade of the old peppercorn tree outback
Where the crows sit in the shade to tired to make their mournful cry
Dust and flies surrounded every thing and yes, it was damn hot.
There in the shade stood an air condition wonder of this age
A four wheel drive the pride of a Pitts street Journalist.
The driver entered and looked around a beer he bought
Then walked on over to me a smile upon his pale drawn face
Would you like another beer old timer he said to pass the time away
I grunted and passed me glass, but only if you’re shouting I said.
Smiling he replied, don’t worry old timer it won’t cost you anything,
Well maybe just a word or too that I can write about back home
We sat sipping our beers, and talking very quietly as I does.
Well old-timer, he said, I bet you could tell a tale or too
I looked and grinned my eyes they sparkled bright as I remembered.
I knew he’d ask that question, to tell about my coloured past
She’d be worth a dollar to you if you told about of your life
I grinned then laughed out loud, no way you see I said.
Cause, if I told you all about my life, my ups and downs
I’d have to give you change back for your dollar

the old battler Bill

Re: a Journalist answer

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:50 pm
by Neville Briggs
Your story would be worth a mint Bill ;) :D