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Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:29 am
by thestoryteller
A few years back Chris and I were back at Clermont in North Queensland for the third year to perform at their Gold Festival celebrations.

The first year I recall we were performing out at Charleville over the winter months and drove up through the back blocks to get there.

It hadn't rained for near on twelve months and things were looking bleak but would you believe it on their first night of celebrations [Friday] it just poured down.

I was absolutely fascinated to see that, even though we had a roof over us as entertainers, the crowd didn't and they just stood and sat and watched oblivious to the rain. A truly resilient mob.

The last year, Chris and I arrived at the caravan park where we were usually accommodated in a cabin with an ensuite, only to asked if we wouldn't mind having a cabin without the ensuite and would we mind using the park toilets just for the one night, as an elderly lady who had been staying in the cabin they had planned to give us had taken a turn and needed to stay over one more night.

We told them that was fine with us and soon settled in to the other cabin. We had a busy day doing workshops at the local schools and the Friday nights entertainment went down well.

It was a little chilly that night and around three or four in the morning I had a call of nature and ducked across to the park toilets to sort that out.

Feeling the night air I hurried back to the cabin and was happy to be inside once again and took my shirt off and was was about to drop my jeans when I heard this deep voice say,

"I think you've got the wrong room mate." :oops: :oops:

Well panic stations kicked in and I buckled up and grabbed my shirt and apologised as I scooted out through the doorway.

Once back in my right bed I told Chris of the ordeal and she spent the next half hour in hysterics. :lol: :lol:

I guess I'm only grateful the voice cooeed out before I got in the bed. Shudder at the thought of it.

Introduced myself to the bloke in the cabin in question the next day and he told me that it was the second time it had happened to him.

I think I would be locking the door after that.

Had a great weekend and often have a chuckle when I recall that night.

The Storyteller.

Re: Whoops!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:09 pm
by Bob Pacey
Would it have been worse if a ladies voice had answered ????

OOOOHHHH In a cloud of dust !!!!!

Cheers and thanks for the laugh


Re: Whoops!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:24 pm
by Heather
Reminds me of one of Bill Kearns' poems - The Swingers! Funny, funny poem. Buy the book people, buy the book! (Hope I got the name of the poem right).


Re: Whoops!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:34 pm
by Neville Briggs

Re: Whoops!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:00 pm
by thestoryteller
Glad it tickled your fancy Nev. ;)