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Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:58 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
It all started with a routine colonoscopy. Dad's mother died of bowel cancer, so when he turned fifty, he decided to be checked out himself. It went well. The doctor found a pre-cancerous polyp, which he removed. Good result. The colonoscopy had been worthwhile, and intervention had probably averted the development of cancer.

He was advised to have another colonoscopy in three years. Odd discovery this time. Seven polyps, four of them pre-cancerous, one almost true cancer. All were removed. This time the doctor suggested another colonoscopy in twelve months rather than three years.

Very disturbing result this time. Twenty six large polyps, all pre-cancerous. What's going on?

Six months this time. Don't wait twelve. But he didn't get that far. Four months later he suddenly doubled up in pain in the middle of the night. Taken to hospital in an ambulance. Bowel obstruction. Goes to theatre. Bowel opened up. Full of polyps!

Never heard of anything like this before. Polyps don't grow like that. They don't go that quickly. Like a great big mass of writhing spitfires in his guts.

Anyway, all cleaned out. Spends a couple of days in hospital, then sent home. One week later, same thing all over again. What's going on?

Never left hospital agin. Kept in at first for three days of obs. Day three, same thing happens again. Back to theatre. Gut full of enormous polyps. This just doesn't happen. What are they feeding on?

They just grew faster and faster. For the last week, he has been permanently anaesthetised. Polyps being removed every few hours. Starting to suck the energy out of his body. Muscles wasting to provide energy to feed the wretched polyps.

Everybody quiet. You can hear them growing!

Intravenous nutrition, but it can't keep up. Growing thinner and thinner. Don't these polyps realise they are killing off the goose that laid the golden egg? Cutting off their nose to spite their face?

Apparently not. Dad died last night. The polyps continued to grow for several hours after that, but now they're slowing down. You can hardly hear them at all.

Silence brings relief.

Re: Polyps

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:03 pm
by Leonie
Oh my goodness Stephen is this a true story? If it is true I am so so sorry.

Re: Polyps

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:32 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
No, Leonie, it's not a true story. You can relax!

Interesting that you should ask that, though. It's funny how the mind works. I don't write a lot of prose, but when I do the style that comes most naturally is very different to my poetry. I love the idea of writing stuff that sounds as though it could almost be real and leaves people guessing.

Re: Polyps

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:34 pm
by Leonie
Whew, glad to hear that, Stephen. Are you sure your last name is Whiteside not King? ;) Touch of horror in that story.

Re: Polyps

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:42 pm
by Heather
Stephen Whiteside! Straight to the naughty corner with you. You sure had me going, about to profusely offer my condolences. You rotten sod.

Well written though! ;)

Heather :)

Re: Polyps

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:46 pm
by Bob Pacey
Had me as well Stephen . If that was your objective you certainly achieved it.

I was wondering how I could reply to that.

I would have called you something a bit stronger but for now Heathers will do, just need to add one word.

You rotten Bloody sod !


Re: Polyps

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:40 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
Hmm... Very interesting. I actually thought it would be pretty clear that the story was not true, but I guess I'm underestimating the effect of my medical background.

Re: Polyps

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:41 pm
by william williams
hurray stephen glad to meet you here and welcome to the naughty corner thats right mate lead them up the garden path then tell them the truth

Bill the old Battler

Re: Polyps

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:55 pm
by mummsie
Had me there too, but I was thinking, if his dead, how do they know the polyps kept growing!!!!!!Don't let him out of that corner till morning.
Well done Stephen,

Re: Polyps

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:11 am
by Heather
Reading it again in daylight after a good night's sleep - I must have been tired. (yawn) Of course polyps don't grow that fast - and I don't have a medical background. Stephen you should write science fiction!

And don't do that again to all the nice ladies (& Bob).

Heather :)