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Walpurgis Night

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:52 pm
by Jasper Brush
Walpurgis is revelry. I was fortunate or perhaps unfortunate to smuggle myself
into the inner sanctum disguised as a black overweight cat on the sweeping section of Henrietta's broom.

This poem has been sanitised so the form is in utter disarray and brief. I am not, and do not want to,describe
the scenes that unfolded before my fake pussycat eyes. Though I was fortunate to be voted in as the biggest
and blackest cat of the night.


Walpurgis Night

Ephemera— dull-beat,
a bell-song knell that lingers
upon scribbly-scented broom.

Broken shadows
peel off misty sheets

that waft to halls
of mephitic origins;

coven rings rejoice
in eponymous circles;

swinging hips kiss:
seduced by pleasure.

Walpurgis! Walpurgis!
a casting of black shrouds.

Sunken shrivelled breasts
renew to youthful suppleness.

Cackled high syllables
soften to sublime silken honey.

Let the fun begin.

What a night! Bloody Henrietta let me down: there was Henrietta pissed a parrot. For goodness sake I had to drive the broom home. It was 3.30:am German time when we left. You ever tried to shove a pissed witch on the pillion seat of a broom; screaming out 'Hubble bubble toil and trouble'-- shit, waving her black nailed hands around setting off mortar bomb strength explosions in a misty black Saxon sky. Only two buttons on a broom, red for go and blue for reverse. Then you have to ride the most skinny arsed horse that ever been in existence. The number of times I flipped under the broomstick with Henrietta breathing fire and brimstone with a lopsided smile on her face patting me on the head saying 'Whose a good pussy then' I lost count. The first sight of the good old Barrenjoey lighthouse was such an exhilarating sight that actually cried tears of happiness-- I was home and safe. I was home at last. I came to a screaming halt at my residence hopped off the broom gave the reins to Henrietta and sad. 'The wooden colt's all yours baby. Next Walpurgis night; No Invitation, I'm not going-- count me out.' Henrietta gave me a kiss on the cheek of cat suit cheek and said. 'See you next year Big Boy.' And with that took off sparks and cinders back draft smashing me to the ground. My last sight of Henrietta was a crazy out of control Catherine wheel silhouetted in the moon.
It had been a good night and I was tired, so with a yawn placed a key in the front door,gave a yawn, and wandered off to bed.


Re: Walpurgis Night

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:57 pm
by Bob Pacey
Send me some of what you are on John !!!!!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


Re: Walpurgis Night

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:08 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
There's a penetrating chill in the wind. The bright moon rises behind the shivering, nearly naked trees. A profound sense of foreboding permeates the darkness. This is the night, after all, when witches ride their broomsticks through the sky, and the natural world is forced to confront the powers of the supernatural. No, it isn't October 31 and this is not Halloween. It's April 30 and it's Walpurgis Night - but surely you knew that Bob?

Can't imagine you John as an overweight cat riding the skinniest horse in captivity...makes me laugh - you sure you weren't at the gay Mardi gras??? :lol: :lol:

Re: Walpurgis Night

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:11 am
by Bob Pacey
Nup here in Yeppoon it's Monday night and the footys on Tv.

Never heard of Walpug night or whatever you call it and probably don't want to know.

Did have a couple of louts stirring up the dogs last night does that count; they must have been pretty scared as they took off bloody quick when I yelled.


Re: Walpurgis Night

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:00 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Nup - should have had a hissy fit and cast incantations over cane toads to get the desired effect - oh and chasing them with a straw broom whilst quoting 'eye of newt and spawn of toad' or other such poetic gems would have given added empthasis. :lol: :lol:

Re: Walpurgis Night

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:26 pm
by Jasper Brush
G'day Bob.

About the footy; Next Wednesday week is the start of the 'blue magic'. Haynes on the wing.

If I was 'H',s coach I would be playing him in the centres.

Yeah, W night is Halloween on broomsticks.



Re: Walpurgis Night

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:36 pm
by Jasper Brush
Sorry for the delay, Maureen.

Yeah, spose my story needs a bit of refinement and a few spells-- cccmmmmmmmmmmmnbbbbvv.

Thank you for your humorous notations.

I appreciate your comments.



Re: Walpurgis Night

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:37 pm
by Bob Pacey
I knew you had a vivid imagination John but I did not reasise you were such a dreamer. Remember a champion team will defeat a team of champions any day.



Re: Walpurgis Night

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:28 pm
by Jasper Brush
G'day, Bob.

The best of luck. :D
