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Collaborative Poem 15 - Say It with a Smile

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:14 pm
by Peely
Ladies and Gentlemen

Please feel free to add to this as you wish, it will be interesting to see where the story leads.


I told her that I killed her cat,
but she was in denial.
I mentioned that I’d squashed him flat,
the scene was pretty vile.
I thought that she’d be angry and would put me to a trial –
it must be ’cause I said it with a smile.

Re: Collaborative Poem 15 - Say It with a Smile

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:27 am
by warooa
So let he who is without sin,
be first to cast the stone.
Twas not a smile but more a grin,
that cat was all alone.
She still was in denial but I made her change her tone -
produced an image on my mobile phone.

Re: Collaborative Poem 15 - Say It with a Smile

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:17 am
by Maureen K Clifford
She paled when the picture she saw
evidence undisputed.
I hoped she’d not ask me for more
facts, needing truth uprooted.
She queried accidental, was I driving just too fast -
causing today to be her pussies last?

Re: Collaborative Poem 15 - Say It with a Smile

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:54 am
by Bob Pacey
Squashed like a bloody pancake
her kitty was so flat.
I scraped it up with my shovel
and threw it in the back.
It might have survived the incident
if I pushed a baby stroller,
But I was heading off to work
driving a steam roller


Re: Collaborative Poem 15 - Say It with a Smile

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:48 pm
by Peely
I then produced the little bag
with what was once her moggy
and when she saw the collar's tag,
I watched her eyes turn foggy;
her legs both turned to jelly and she dropped down in a haze -
her precious cat had sure seen better days!

Re: Collaborative Poem 15 - Say It with a Smile

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:59 pm
by Bob Pacey
She was so bloody dammed upset
it sent my senses reeling.
She called me an Neanderthal
which was not so appealing.
I said " if that's your point of view
under my collars getting hot "
I'll use what's left of pussy poo
to catch crabs in my pot.


Re: Collaborative Poem 15 - Say It with a Smile

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:04 am
by Maureen K Clifford

I told her that I killed her cat,
but she was in denial.
I mentioned that I’d squashed him flat,
the scene was pretty vile.
I thought that she’d be angry and would put me to a trial –
it must be ’cause I said it with a smile.

So let he who is without sin,
be first to cast the stone.
Twas not a smile but more a grin,
that cat was all alone.
She still was in denial but I made her change her tone -
produced an image on my mobile phone.

She paled when the picture she saw
evidence undisputed.
I hoped she’d not ask me for more
facts, needing truth uprooted.
She queried accidental, was I driving just too fast -
causing today to be her pussies last?

Squashed like a bloody pancake
her kitty was so flat.
I scraped it up with my shovel
and threw it in the back.
It might have survived the incident
if I pushed a baby stroller,
But I was heading off to work
driving a steam roller

I then produced the little bag
with what was once her moggy
and when she saw the collar's tag,
I watched her eyes turn foggy;
her legs both turned to jelly and she dropped down in a haze -
her precious cat had sure seen better days!

She was so bloody dammed upset
it sent my senses reeling.
She called me an Neanderthal
which was not so appealing.
I said " if that's your point of view
under my collars getting hot "
I'll use what's left of pussy poo
to catch crabs in my pot.

“You’ll not do that at all” she cried.
My help was cruelly spurned.
“You men are so insensitive
for love have you not yearned?”
Pussy will be cremated now
and put into a jar
upon the mantelpiece at home,
a better place by far
than reposing in your crab pot
acting as crab bait.”
She was cranky. Don’t know why -
I don’t get women Mate

Re: Collaborative Poem 15 - Say It with a Smile

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:22 pm
by Peely
Having a read of this one myself and being the initiator of this collaboration, I think this one is finished. I will change it back to a standard topic.