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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:00 am
by r.magnay
G'day all and sundry,

I am a self employed Sparkie from Alice Springs, I was born in the riverland in SA, Mum and Dad lived on a sheep station and the nearest Hospital was Wakerie so that is where I was born. I started my apprenticeship in 1970 and have stayed mostly in the industry since that time, I have had a go at a few other things along the way, farming, truck driving, bar work, and pretty much anything that would bring in a quid. I dappled in a bit of opal mining (unsuccessfully I might add) worked as an underground sparkie in a copper /gold mine but mostly I have been a sparkie in the bush. I have worked in the outback over most of SA and the NT and as you can imagine come across a lot of characters that lend themselves to Australian Bush Poetry fodder! I have written one book of poetry ( 'course I'm Bloody Dinkum!) which has been quite successful, it is not technically very correct but I have sold around 2,500 copies so not everyone cares about technical correctness by the look of that! It is illustrated by a good friend Teresa Ramsey and possibly the pencil drawings are the reason it sold as well as it did! My mate Sheryl is my wife and we have two kids and two grandkids...(and a son inlaw and daughter inlaw)...coupla dogs and a cockateel. I enjoy the interaction on this site and believe my writing has improved somewhat because of it. a few years ago I travelled to Beaudesert and stayed with Glenny and her husband at the time, Marco and his daughter Grace, Trisha and Carol and sundry others, it was for the annual poetry championship where I also met Manfred and quite a few other poets from the Eastern seaboard. Though I have never actually met many people on this site I feel I know most of you well.


Re: Ross

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:05 am
by manfredvijars
... and if I may add, it's a GREAT book too ... :)

Re: Ross

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:17 am
by Zondrae

Ross you look so young in the book. It is a very professional publication. Good read with many insights into 'bush' life and happenings. Do you have any copies left for sale?

Re: Ross

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:20 pm
by r.magnay
G'day Manfred, I wasn't aware that you had a copy, but thank you for your kind words. Of course I look young on the book Zondrae, I am young.....well was then! I think I was around 40 when those pictures were taken. I probably still don't look as old as I feel sometimes! even after a game of footy I don't remember having so many bits that hurt! I still have about twenty books left I think, I think Teresa has about the same but I think she has kept a box for gifts and such. I always vowed I would never gift them, I know what it is like getting something as a gift that you don't have the faintest interest in, I have however gifted a few to people who I know are into poetry since.

Re: Ross

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:14 pm
by manfredvijars
Yes Mate, got one off you when you were over this way at Beaudesert ...

Would it help your sales to the Sheilas if I mentioned the bloke on the cover was posing in Warrick Capper shorts ??? ... ;)

Re: Ross

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:32 pm
by Heather