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A pointer to Me

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:34 pm
by bushbandit75
Find IT

Find what’s new and find what’s right
Find the stars that find the light
And the force that binds it tight
Then you’ll be free

Find the way to find the time
And the pain of past gone by
Then you will See

Find the grass and find the leaves
Find the trees and all that’s green
And the life that's meant to be
And you'll find me

Re: A pointer to Me

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:16 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Before anyone else lays claim to it...I found him!! (& finally succeeded in getting him to register, & share his great words.)

Welcome bushbandit. We have a poetry group in Beauy called the Beaudesert Bush Bards, or the BBB's for short. If you joined them, you'd be the 'BBB'sBB'.....coool.

Looking out for more of your poetry.

Re: A pointer to Me

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:56 am
by warooa
Welcome bush bandit. If Glenny reckons you're alright then you must be (or a nutter).

Cheers, Marty