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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:02 pm
by mummsie
Hi Everyone, finally got enough courage to join your group, started writing poetry[or trying to] this year, after spending a big part of my life sharing stories and poems with family, finally decided to start putting some words on paper, a couple of weeks ago I entered a poem in a local bush poetry comp, and low and behold, I won, could've knocked me over with a feather, so I've joined the group, ears and eyes wide open, hoping to learn as much as i can. Thanks for having me, looking forward to the chats.

Re: New member on board

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:26 pm
by Bob Pacey
Mummsie now is that a nickname or non de plume ?

Post some of your work and you will find the comments a great help.



Re: New member on board

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:36 pm
by manfredvijars
Welcome, take a good look around there's plenty of stuff posted that will show you the diversity (AND banter) here. You've taken the big step, now don't be shy ... :)

Re: New member on board

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:22 pm
by Heather
Welcome Mummsie.

You are in the right place to learn here. Advice is freely given if you ask for it. I only started writing poetry about 18mths ago and have learnt so much here. You will also have a lot of fun, mix it with some wired (or is that wierd?) people and if there is anything you don't know there is always someone here who has the answer.

Join in, have fun and we look forward to seeing your poetry.

Heather :)

Re: New member on board

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:50 am
by warooa
Heather wrote:if there is anything you don't know there is always someone here who has the answer. :)
It may not be the right answer, though :? but's sure to be entertaining . .

Welcome, Mummsie . . . where ya from?

Cheers, Marty (the nice sensible serious Marty . . not the eater of small children redneck Marty)

Re: New member on board

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:50 am
by Zondrae
G'day mummsie,

Welcome to the site. It can become a bit of a roller coaster on this site. If you wish to read, enjoy and learn a bit about writing Rhyming poetry, with a decidedly Australian flavour, then you are in the right place. We have many award winning poets who freely contribute their time and knowledge to those who ask for it.

If you become a member of the ABPA you will also recieve a great colour magazine six times a year that gives, not only more poetry but also details of competitions, both written and performance, that are being held throughout the year. You aso will see photos of some of the people who chat on here. There are glimpses of Champions and the trophies they compete for.

All in all if you show us some of your poetry we will in turn show you lots of ours. Again welcome and we all look forward to more posts from you

Re: New member on board

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:15 am
by Bob Pacey
Thank you Zondrae all of us forgot the plug for membership.

Yes Mummsie it is a great group. i used to watch tv at night now i sit on the computor just waiting expectantly for the next Gem.

Oh you have to get in bloody quick to beat Maureen and fast Heather though !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cheers Bob

Re: New member on board

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:02 am
by Heather
And Sue, can I call you Sue? You must NEVER, under any circumstances, let Bob have the last word. Just between you and me ok?

Heather ;)

Re: New member on board

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:17 am
by mummsie
Thanks for the welcome guys,two questions,where can i find information on what the definition of Bush Poetry is, and also, what are the rules surrounding poetry thats been in print {eg. on this site} and its eligability to be entered in competitions.
And yes,by all means call me Sue, as my dear old mum used to say, 'call me what you like, but don't call me late to dinner'

Re: New member on board

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:17 am
by Heather
Sue below is the definition of bush poetry on the Home Page of the ABPA web site.
By definition, Australian Bush Poetry is metred and rhymed poetry about Australia, Australians and/or the Australian way of life.
We have discussed here, at times the problem of putting poems into competitions if they have been on the forum and whether or not this constitutes "publishing". I think, from memory the answer was to ask the competition organisers. However, I think most of us do not put onto the forum any poem that we might enter into a competition. Regardless of whether it is considered published or not, there is always a chance that a judge might see it. Keep it under wraps if you are going to enter a poem into a comp.

Heather :)