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Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:53 pm
by Trace
G'Day all,

I'm Trace, originally from Wodonga in NE Victoria, but more lately of Ballarat. Currently working in Adelaide. If you can work all that out you're doing better than I am!

My love of the bush poetry and song grew at a country footy club that held regular bush dances. We'd listen to bush bands (Betty Bushrat and the Bogong Bog-Hoppers - try saying that deep in the last quarter when you're kicking against the wind!) and the recitals of Michael Cleary and Mick O'Leary. Fantastic nights. Spent many nights camping around this great country, but these days I just don't seem to get out there and enjoy it enough. Note to self....fix that!

I've written rhyming words for many years, but not sure if they qualify as poetry. Typically about people/events where I have worked, and sometimes put to music...popular tunes, not my own. They've probably lacked structure at times, but they have always told the story that needed telling, so it can't be a bad thing.

Haven't been as active of late, but inspired by brother Marty who writes such great words about topics that resonate strongly in our family, especially our late dad Tom. Keep up the good work bro..

Look forward to learning from you all, and sharing with you along the way.



Re: Trace

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:35 pm
by keats
Welcome aboard Trace. I'm from Ballarat as well, so at one stage was John Peel. You will really learn a lot here so don't be shy in posting some of your poetry and asking for any help with it. We are a pretty friendly bunch.

Re: Trace

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:27 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Oh so there is a connection - I guessed that .... welcome Trace great to have you along . now if your sense of humour matches Marty - we are in for some :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: times ahead. Marty does good stuff and from what I have already read of yours you won't be far behind ... the poem for your Dad (both of you) was great.

